Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Links of Note

 * Peter Graham, What's Wrong with Testimony? Defending the Epistemic Analogy Between Testimony and Perception (PDF)

* Michael Kruger, New 'Gospel' Discovery? (What It Is and Why It Matters), at "The Gospel Coalition", on the recent discovery of the manuscript, P. Oxy. 5575.

* Thornton Lockwood, Is there a Poetics in Aristotle's Politics? (PDF)

* Evans, Milburn, and Shrapnel, How clocks define time (PDF)

* Rev. Calum Samuelson and Ralph Lee summarize the basic features of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tawahedo Church.

* Gregory Sadler, Anselmian Moral Theory and the Question of Grounding Morality in God (PDF)

* Brent G. Kyle, Hiddenness, Holiness, and Impurity (PDF)

* Daniel Callcut, Wrestling with relativism, at "Aeon", discusses Bernard Williams

* Gunnar Babcock and Dan McShea, Resolving teleology's false dilemma (PDF)

* E. Sonny Elizondo, Kantian Naturalism (PDF)

* Someone recently had one of the AI art programs do pictures of The Lord of the Rings in Byzantine mosaic style. Some of them are quite neat, although the program, since its database includes a lot of hagiographical icons, completely misuses the symbol of the halo.

* Marie Jayasekera, Mary Astell on Self-Government and Custom (PDF)

* Ian Proops, Kant on Enlightenment (PDF)