Thursday, April 14, 2005

A New Way to Do History of Philosophy

Giant Battle Monsters!

Plato is a Giant Mecha-Ant that breathes Poisonous Gas, shoots Laser Beams, and has Bulletproof Skin.

Aristotle is a Human-Sized Robot that Fears Nothing, came from Another Planet, Screeches when Angry, can Change Colour, and is in League with Dark Forces.

And so forth. And now we can resolve once and for all that greatest of questions in early modern philosophy: who won the fiercest philosophical battle of all time: Malebranche or Arnauld? Send the monsters against each other in battle and see!

By the way, it turns out that I'm a Tiny Lizard that eats Trees, breathes Ice Vapour, Fears Nothing, dissolves in Water, and has Enormous Tusks. And Thomas Aquinas trounces me every time.

(Hat-tip: Cliopatria.)