* Nominations for the 2007 Cliopatria Awards are open throughout November.
* "Philosophy and Bioethics" hosts the 56th Philosophers' Carnival.
* Czeslaw Milosz's 2004 speech on the religious imagination.
* Makoto Fujimura, the painter, discusses a trip to China he had with Ralph McInerny.
* The Immanent Frame is a new blog set up by the SSRC, devoted to the question of secularism, religion, and the public sphere. It is currently discussing Charles Taylor's A Secular Age; and the neat thing about it is that Taylor is also posting.
I hope that some of the discussion on that weblog ripples out into the general blogosphere; the Postmodern Conservative has started things off with a post on anti-authoritative metaphysics that is worth reading if you are interested in this topic.
* Commonweal has excerpts from Taylor's book here (on sex) and here (on death).
* FreeRice is a vocabulary game that uses the advertising revenue generated to donate rice to the UN.
The Hunger Site donates advertising revenue that is generated when you click a link.
* In a similar vein, don't forget to use GoodSearch occasionally when you are hunting things on the internet. Part of the advertising revenue generated by your search goes to the charity of your choice, assuming that that charity has registered with GoodSearch (a very great many have, so it's usually not difficult to find a charity you support in their database). (SearchKindly works in a similar way; but it donates all the revenue to a single charity picked each month by voting.) With GoodSearch Shopping you can do something similar every time you buy online: participating online retailers include Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, Best Buy, Hotels.com, Old Navy, PetSmart, and Staples.
* John T. McGreevy reviews Mark Lilla's The Stillborn God.
* For 'Reformation Day' Millinerd had an interesting post on Christian unity, and on some of what attracts Protestants to Protestantism, from a Protestant perspective.
* George Will has a nice column on Congressional war powers.
* Evan Wallach discusses waterboarding.
* George Orwell's classic essay on Salvador Dali, Benefit of Clergy. The essay is worth reading even if you're not particularly interested in Dali, because there are analogies to other fields besides art. For instance, I would suggest that it is clear from some academic responses to the recent James Watson scandal that our views of academic freedom have, at least in some ways, degenerated precisely to something like a claim of 'benefit of clergy' for academics and particularly scientists. (I am always mildly amused when academics talk, as some academics didin the Watson case, of a 'right to offend'; which is, of course, a right that only academics think academics have, and is a mere caricature of a more reasonable candidate for a right, namely, to state the truth, as the best scholarship and study presents it, even if the truth offends. Of course, Watson's comments, as was widely noted, does not in the least fit the latter category, and so no one should have been able to bring up a 'right to offend' unless they did, in fact, mean a literal right to offend.)
* The history of piracy of the T. & T. Clarks's Ante-Nicene Fathers series.
* Charles Henry notes that there are reasons to be skeptical of the new Charles Schulz biography.
* Mike has an excellent post called Theology to go.