Monday, December 20, 2004


I will be giving Houyhnhnm Land a complete makeover at some point in the next month or so. The template I'm currently using has been OK, but it's really not well-adapted for H.L.'s needs. I'll be moving to a tabbed version, having gotten the idea from Harrison. Doing that will get the external resources links off the main page onto an easily accessible page of their own; and I can have an internal resources page to make the pages I'm putting up on Shepherd and Whewell (and eventually Malebranche and Astell) easier to access. I also intend to make several different styles available, so people can choose whatever they find easier to use. And I intend on reworking the comments system so I can open comments without fearing the flood of spam-robots that occasionally crawl over my site. I have a few other minor tricks I've come across that I'm thinking about trying out; it won't be fancy, but should be easier to use. If anyone has any additional suggestions, let me know.