* The Law of the Blogger at "American Digest" (via The Volokh Conspiracy)
* A beginning attempt at a Christian male pro-feminist theology of appetite -- or further proof that I have lost it completely at "Hugo Schwyzer"
* A selection from Victor Klemperer's Dresden diaries
* Powerful Defender -- Elizabeth Bunyan: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 at "promptings" (hat-tip: Rebecca Writes, where it's Puritan Month)
* Why I Love the Doctrine of Total Depravity at "Rebecca Writes"
* "North Western Winds" has a series of reflections on Russell Kirk's "Six Points of Conservatism": The Living Order, Guarding the Taproot, The Church Lady, Equality and Charity, Human Nature.
* Christian Carnival LVI at "Dunmoose the Ageless"
* Magic Books, Grocery Lists and Silent Messiahs: How rightly approaching the Bible shapes the entire Christian Life at "The Internet Monk"