Thursday, April 14, 2005


Vox Apologia XIII is up, on the Cosmological Argument. It has one post, by Jeremy Pierce, discussing the basics of the use of the Principle of Sufficient Reason in such arguments. He's getting some criticism from a presuppositionalist that I think is simply misplaced. Trinitarian theism, as such, cannot be strictly proven by reason; no, nor by presuppositionalist 'transcendental arguments', either. But as Jeremy rightly points out in his responses, since God is triune, the cosmological argument does conclude to the Triune God; just not as such. And there's certainly no problem with that.

I intended to put together a post for this carnival, but I've been awfully busy. Since this carnival allows for late submissions, however, I'll probably put something up a bit later -- on infinite regress, probably. Next week's topic: "Pascal's Wager: Useful or Useless?" I'll be thinking about putting something up for that one, too; although I'll probably just adapt an old post on it.