Thursday, May 19, 2005


* In Those Rakish Scholastics at "The Rhine River," Nathanael Robinson tells of bloodthirsty nominalist protesters in the Middle Ages, or, as I call it, The Age of Reason. As a realist, though, I'm a bit glad students don't engage in violent anti-realism protests anymore!

* If trope theory is your thing, Bill Vallicella is calling for comments on a paper, Trope Theory Meets Bradley's Regress. If (like me) you only know tropes (abstract particular properties) through distant rumors, you might still appreciate the very helpful section, "An Outline of Trope Theory," which lays out the basic elements.

* At "Language Log" they are analyzing Yoda's language. See Geoff Pullum in Yoda's syntax the Tribune analyzes; supply more details I will!; Eric Bakovic in Speak this way I do because wiser than I actually am I sound; and Mark Liberman in Syntax is a disturbance in the there. (HT: The Elfin Ethicist.) UPDATE: See also Mark Liberman's Unclear of Yoda's syntax the principles are, if any.

* An interesting post on The Politics of Sith (the movie, not the order) at "My Stupid Dog" (minor spoilers). UPDATE: The Elfin Ethicist gives his own spin. He apparently wasn't impressed with the Jedi in this movie; but what can you expect from someone who belongs to something called The Shadow Council. He works for the Sith, I say.

* "The Daily Burn" discusses The Worf Factor in science fiction.

UPDATE: Macht at "prosthesis" discusses the recent decision at Calvin College to drop Wolterstorff as a speaker for a commencement address and replace him with Bush. UPDATE 2: And so does Hugo Schwyzer.