* Stephen Matheson has a post on what he calls "an extraordinary example of evolutionary thinking that drives a specific experimental analysis." It's a very readable guide to this interesting paper in Science.
* Jender discusses the Haslanger paper on philosophy and women, and argues for anonymous editing for philosophy journals.
* John Pourtless has a discussion of Hegel on conscience.
* Jeremy has a post on an assignment he tried out for an ethics class.
* I've often thought, in a vague way, of designing an ethics course around what I call the '5 R's' of ethics: rights, responsibility, risks, recourse, and reparation. It occurred to me that it might be a beneficial exercise to ask my readers if they have any favorite texts on ethics that they think would enrich discussion of one of the five. I'm interested in a diverse assortment of texts, so they might be abstract or concrete, theoretical or historical, hypothetical or programmatic, etc. For instance, I think a text that does a good job with the issue of ethical risks, is "Effective Crisis Management, " by Mitroff, Shrivastava, and Udwadia (reprinted in Brooks, ed. Business and Professional Ethics for Directors, Executives, and Accountants, third edition. South-Western (Mason, Ohio: 2004), pp. 404-412). It focuses on issues relating to ethical crises in business ethics, and would provide an immense amount of material for class discussions. Sophocles' Antigone is a good text for dealing with responsibility. What sort of valuable texts have you come across for dealing with these topics?
* Alexander Sakharov's Sequent Calculus Primer.
* Phil Snider discusses patrology at "hyperekperissou". A selection:
Theology and patrology represent an inversion of the common academic approach. That is, its stance is within a living faith tradition in which the contributions of one's predecessors are developed and amplified in order to increase one's understanding of a worldview which differs substantially from the tradition behind modern academe. The concern of a patrologist is to ask questions about how the Fathers thought in order to provide resources to evaluate and re-evaluate our theology within the Christian church today. It is not to add to the database of some kind of abstract history-as-it-was database whose purpose is both unclear and, hence, represents, at best, a body of interesting reading and, at worst, unconnected (and, hence, trivial) antiquarian lore.
* Philosophers' Carnival 53 at the "Florida Student Philosophy Blog"