Thursday, April 23, 2009

Blogroll Revision

As you can tell if you aren't reading this by feed, I am redoing my sidebar, especially my blogroll. It hadn't been updated (beyond an addition here or there) in a year, and Blogrolling, which was the means of organizing the main blogroll that I had used since the beginning, went to advertisements. I tried to live with the advertisements; I fully understand that a business has to stay in business. But it finally drove me crazy and I killed it. I'm also doing a bit of reorganizing. Strictly speaking I prefer to have blogs listed on the blogroll that I actually do read, and that requires that the blogger actually post at least semi-regularly. Depending on circumstances I'll allow a bit of flexibility, perhaps hoping that a lull is merely a lull, or because the posts that do trickle out are quite good. But if you don't post, you will eventually fall off the blogroll, however much I like your blog.

Of course, this is a great opportunity to hear what blogs you would recommend.