* The South Central was quite fun -- relaxed, as it usually is. All the papers were good. Miren Boehm's was the one I found most exciting -- if her argument is even partly right (and at least on first hearing much of it was plausible), I think it would change in important ways how we read Part 3 of Book I of Hume's Treatise.
* Ronald Burt, Structural Holes and Good Ideas (PDF)
* The Swedes are burning rabbits to help power central Sweden.
* Feser recently had two posts summarizing the Thomistic tradition: Part I, Part II.
* Chu-Carroll on predictable unpredictability in chaotic systems
* A new ring around Saturn was recently discovered, one that clarifies some mysteries. John Baez has links and discussion.
* There was an interesting discussion recently at The Prosblogion on Pascal, Kant, and Puddleglum.
* The Scottish Journal of Theology has made some of its classic papers available online.(ht)
* Michael Gilleland recently mentioned Paul Reid, a contemporary Scottish figurative painter; I hadn't heard of him before, but he seems quite interesting. 108 Fine Art has a good brief introduction to him.