As I sometimes do at the turn of a New Year, here is a list of the posts on the seventh day of each month of 2009.
January: no post on the seventh day of the month
February: Flowers Preach
March: Sidecar Bar & Grill
Kant and 'Existence Is Not a Real Predicate'
Lenten Giving
April: Chaospet on "The End of Philosophy"
The End of Philosophy?
Clothed with the Wisdom and the Power
May: Clausewitz on the Use of Historical Examples
June: Not Acceptable
Malebranche's Infinity Challenge (Repost)
We Have Not Sighed Deep, Laughed Free
July: Usury and Titles to Interest
Physics and Philosophy
August: Neo-Humean Theology
September: Aquinas on Manual Labor
October: Five Ways of Teaching
November: The Lotus (Part I)
December: Marenbon on 'Aquinas's Principle' (Repost)