I'll slowly be putting up rough draft chapters at http://scion-of-lykaios.blogspot.com/. While I'll be writing every day, I'll only be posting as chapters are finished.
Capitulum Primum: Wherein we meet the Wolf of Wolves
Capitulum Secundum: Wherein we learn something of Wolves
Capitulum Tertium: Wherein a plan is made
Capitulum Quartum: Wherein a war begins
Two new chapters this time; I was a bit delayed in getting the third up. Actually, though, lengthwise they could be conjoined into one chapter. Current wordcount is 8000, which is way behind, but this week should be less busy than last week. And as I mentioned last time, I'm increasingly thinking that this is more of a novella-length story than a novel-length one, anyway. On the other hand, there are at least two notable secondary characters who haven't even come on stage yet -- including the narrator himself. So we'll see.