In a couple of months we'll be at the ninth anniversary of this weblog, and I thought that I might do something a little different to mark the occasion this year, and do request posts here and there in the lead-up to it. Obviously I can't promise to do just any sort of request; I may find I have nothing to say (this has generally been true in fields like politics) or that it's a topic that I clearly should leave to others for whatever reason. And quite obviously I'm in no way an expert on everything, so even if I do have something to say, it may not be very important or earth-shattering or even more than an approximation. But I do tend to collect odds-and-ends, and I've had many years of collecting odds-and-ends, so it's very possible that I might have something relevant somehow to a topic, knocking around in my head or the endless notes that I take, that might conceivably be interesting to someone. And even if I don't have anything immediately on-hand, there are fields (especially concerning the history of philosophy) where I probably have something that would allow me to bridge to at least some basic ideas without killing myself in terms of research load.
So, again, any requests? I have interests ranging from sacramental theology to philosophical atheism to informal logic to feminist epistemology to literature to -- well, if you read the blog, you have at least a rough idea of the extent of my interests. What would you be interested in reading about?