* "The History Blog" has an interesting post on the church scribes and networks that were used to give the Magna Carta a wide distribution.
* MrD on climate change.
* Elmar Kremer in a podcast on classical theism at "Wireless Philosophy"
* The history of hushpuppies.
* A hairdresser has recently begun to overturn certain assumptions of archeologists and historians about how the Egyptians did their hair.
* Flannery O'Connor is currently on a US postage stamp.
* Rebecca Stark on Susanna Wesley and Aristotle.
* Catherine Nielsen on Augustine on the elusiveness of complete self-knowledge.
* The priest who invented the bulletproof vest.
* John Farrell on Christopher Lee
* Michael Zheltov, The Moment of Eucharistic Consecration in Byzantine Thought
* Early Indo-European Online has an interesting series of language lessons.
* Online Syriac-Aramaic language lessons.
* An interesting essay on sedevacantism, by Michael Davies, at "Radical Catholic"
* Eran Tal, Measurement in Science, at the SEP
* The Deconstructor in the Darkness at "speculum criticum traditionis"