Justice is written on pages of mercy.
Law that cannot be a good symbol of true justice is more usurpation than law. Through its code of law a nation not merely organizes itself but presents a symbolic representation of a just society; we judge laws good and bad as a whole based on how well or poorly they depict such a community of just people.
Law does not make one just, but it signifies, and disposes one to, justice.
Mercy is the heart of man and justice is his road.
The means for upholding justice can become means for holding it up.
Fortitude is the protection of justice; temperance prepares one to take joy in justice.
Just as virtue in a person is not merely knowledge, so justice in a society is not merely the knowledge of those who are in charge.
A precondition for justice in society is unity of heart.
The best way to understand the word 'sacred' is ardently to pursue justice.
Maximes on Reason
Maximes on Wisdom