Classifications, symmetries, etc., show that not all natural regularities are temporal.
impartial spectator in ethics // manipulation accounts for causation ?
analogy-breaking as heuristic
analogy-filling as heuristic
Is there an analogy to double effect in nomology?
compatibilism // pantheism
consequentialist, deontological, and virtue-ethical accounts of evidence
a Ring of Gyges parallel in accounts of rationality (attempts to reduce it to success)
- sensible knave problems (but the 'sensible' part is a complication in presentation)
Is there a possible distinction between 'endurantist' and 'perdurantist' regularity theories of causation?
In Ivanhoe, Sir Walter Scott is deliberately novelizing the polyphony of the romance.
burdens vs licenses
nomology : M :: deontology : D ??
natural law // natural classification
best systems accounts of obligation // natural classification
? Do regularist deontologies tend to D while necessitarian deontologies tend to D4?
? Do regularist nomologies tend to M while necessitarian deontologies tend to S4=M4?
- But B seems quite plausible for a nomology, so perhaps S5 instead? Would regularists then tend to B, or would they still be more plausibly linked with M?
'Always' and 'everywhere' are Boxes requiring specific kinds of measurement.
- Is there any kind of divide between measurement-relative vs non-measurement-relative modalities?
- Can only classify modalities by using a classification of different kinds of measurement, in a way that's of any use?
- How does this interact with the fact that some modalities are dependent on specific kinds of causes?
? Can we get an at least partial acount, that's of use, of modalities using four causes? i.e., material box, formal box, efficient box, final box. Are there plausible examples? ---
- regularities as material Box?
- obligations as final Box?
- laws of nature, as understood by necessitarians, as formal Box?
- necessity in Third Way as efficient Box?
moment of infusion of theological virtues // moment of transubstantiation ??
- this would give some unexpected answers re epiclesis and words of institution
Arethere modalities that are not Box but are Box-like? (T may count as such.)
customary norms as artificial classifications
conditions for convergence of customary norms on natural law
externality // denial of self-causation
independence // denial of circular causation
continuity // necessity of ground (denial of groundlessness)
- is there anything // to denial of infinite regress? Perhaps think Berkeley here; or efficacy and secondary causality, perhaps.
the sensible knave as without moral faith
baptism as sacrament of filial piety
Determining how a hypothesis would actually be falsifiable is not always an easy thing -- it is an error to assume that our understanding of hypothesis exhibits closure.
steady state // uniformitarianism ; big bang // catastrophism
Dare one draw the analogy tighter, as to how elements of both of the second terms were required?
scientific cold cases
convenientia arguments as profile/desiderata-based
defeasibility arguments & the anticipative direction of reasoning
gratuitous depictions of evil in aesthetics
It is important to look for confirmations of a hypothesis because it is sometimes these confirmations that (1) provide the most serious disconfirmations on closer analysis; and (2) provide the most useful suggestions for how to develop the hypothesis further.
Even wise men are not immune to peer pressure.
novels as hybrid between drama and romance
The image of the Trinity in us is that in us which makes it possible for us to be led to God.
the First Way beginning with virtue (ST 105.4; cp Aristotle EE 7)
beginning with grace (cp SCG 3.123ff)
At Mass, the congregation are all courtiers of Heaven.
Jonathan Edwards on D//OM at Miscellanies 129
Miscellanies 199-200: a design argument starting from the human soul
Edwards: Eucharist is the sacrament of confirmation! (Misc 207)
Holy Spirit properly called Love, from the nature of the sin against the Holy Spirit (Misc 310)
use of something like PSR (Misc 342)
permissibility of usury Misc 1117
arguments for immortality of the soul as external world arguments in reverse (external and independent of body, continuing)
argument-plots and argument-episodes
the light of grace as a new sprout/shoot (Mencius) in human nature, leading to infused virtue (grace, to virtue, to meritorious works)
grace as the seminal reason of supernatural effect
infused virtues as refractions of grace through human capabilities
apostolic succession // prophetic mission
ecclesial unity (Father), apostolic succession (Son), evangelical mission (Spirit)
invalidity as search failure
Grice's Cooperative Principle is teleological by nature.
resemblance as an explanation of ambiguity
All implicatures have a certain amount of 'give'.
NEwman's notes of development as applied to scientific progress
living transmission of Gospel
(1) apostolic succession
(2) chain of memory and testimony
(3) consistency of practice to practice
(4) continuity of preaching
(5) intercommunion of sees
liturgical implicatures
holy days as pilgrimages in time
True ecumenism begins by building bridges within one's communion.
the felt need for consecration
(1) classical: persons are minds or bodies, but not both.
(2) glutty: persons are both minds and bodies
(3) gappy: persons are neither minds nor bodies
(4) coincidental: mind-person and body-person coincide without being the same
(5) eliminativist: there is no real person
The hagiographical tradition is a wisdom tradition.
sanctuary as garden of Eden, as throne room of Heaven, as holy of holies, as upper room
altar as tree of life, as heavenly throne, as ark, as table of the Lord's Supper
the integral parts of prudence in experimental reasoning
the modern world and delicate barbarians
Note that Bentham fully subordinates good to pleasure: he takes good to be cause or instrument of pleasure
Bentham's pleasure-production theory of value
samsara as symbol of or metaphor for original sin
Note that St. Theodore Studite (First Refutation of the Iconoclasts) links orthodox view of icons to view of Eucharist as true Body and Blood.
Icons are instruments of Christ's mediation; Christ mediates between God and man and all icons are directly or indirectly of Christ, having Christ as their prototype.
By approaching icons in the Spirit we move through the Son as immutable icon to the Father of which He is the flawless Image.
By means of Christ's human nature, icons represent the dive person of Christ.
God took a human form without corrupting His glory; He represented Himself by visible appearance without defacing His glory; we imagine Him by visible image without insulting His glory.
iconoclasm as crypto-docetism (note 2nd Helvetic Confession's use of John 16:7)
"Your Church, O Savior, bears a heavenly treasury and riches in the mysteries and types that You have bestowed upon her and in which she takes refuge and hope: the Great Book of Your Proclamation, the venerated wood of Your Cross, the beautiful icon of Thine humanity, these great mysteries of her salvation." Anthem of the Sancutary of the Feast of the Holy Cross (Church of the East)
Look at evidence of Synodicon Orientale of the Church of the East accepting Chalcedon.
incongruity as the formal cause of the humorous, play as the final cause
The folly of intellectual is to put inquiry above truth; the folly of simpletons is to put aside inquiry in the name of truth.
Covenant is naturally expressed in rite or liturgy.
jokes as deliberate rational expressions, in word or deed, of unified incongruity, for playful purpose
infallibility of consensus of the Fathers of the Church; therefore infallibility of the consensus of liturgies
infallibility of bishops in ordinariy magisterium; therefore infallibility of the consensus of liturgies
Diamond-equality vs Box-equality
The principle of double effect is the recognition of the possibility of tragic situations for decision.
premise-conclusion affinity
Incarnation as pedagogy and participation
temporally intricate goods
laugh tracks as communications of intent
No society starts sacrificing to Moloch except by thinking it progress.
The Hippocratic Oath seems especially concerned with bodily integrity.