Friday, March 10, 2017

Dashed Off VII

(1) error-avoidance
(2) personal-verisimilitude-seeking (appears to me)
(3) common-verisimilitude-seeking (appears from common pov)
(4) good-inquiry-verisimilitude-seeking
(5) truth-seeking
(6) Truth-Itself-seeking

tradition & common truth
shared aesthetic experience and common beauty

depth, height, compass, and endurance of character

the internal diplomacy of prudence

Most major cognitive biases seem to recur, or have analogues, at the level of scientific method.

The use of intuitions about scenarios in analytic philosophy often collapses into an attempt to explain the more well known by the less well known.
"fables make one imagine many events to be possible which are not so at all" (Descartes DM 7)

regressing arguments to their germinating ideas

In baptism, "man is made body of Christ because Christ also is body of man" (Leo I, Letter 59).

"Lo I am with you always" and the efficacy of the sacraments (Leo, Ep. 108)

The obligation to seek truth grounds religious freedom.
the right to free discussion about what is the true religion

Most formal fallacies can only be diagnosed holistically.

Whenever someone says 'intuition', substitute talk about interpretation and see if it still makes sense.

We already come into the world personated by others (our parents, for example).

2 Tim 3:16 and the Scriptures (as spirated) as the icon of the Holy Spirit

two primary maxims of equity (Snell)
(1) ubi jus ibi remediam (Equity will not suffice a wrong to be without a remedy)
(2) Equity acts on the person (in personam)

prime matter // logical genus (Symington)

Nothing can properly ground the persistence of law except reason itself.

The institutionality of law is ultimately grounded in common good.

vague objects as fusions across modal domains

immortality of the soul // tradition

Tradition may endure insofar as it is capax veritatis.

personation & the declaration of patron saints
- petitionary personation, perhaps?

Titus 2:11 & officia

Note the similitarities between Hobbes Leviathan 1.3.8 and the shadow-game in Plato's cave

The first principle regulating good teaching lies in the pure integrity of what is taught.

Even in a state of war there is common good, and thus law and justice.

the right to defend ourselves as we are part of human common good

the liturgical commonwealth as concerned with prudent preservation of holy things

On Hobbes' account of sovereignty, atheistic arguments from evil are impossible.

Rule of law is supported or constituted by all of the doctrines Hobbes calls seditious & poisonous:
(1) Every private man may judge of good and evil.
(2) To act against conscience is wrongdoing.
(3) Faith and sanctity may be attained by inspiration and infusion.
(4) Even the sovereign is subject to law.
(5) The rights of propriety may at times exclude the right of the sovereign.
(6) Sovereign power may be divided.

Dt 34:9 and apostolic succession. (Note Hobbes L 3.42.2)

The power to proclaim the kingdom of Christ contains in itself the authority to resist any sovereign but Christ in matters of Christ's kingdom.

Note that Hobbes rejects claims that the pope is antichrist (L 3.42.87-88).

The members of the liturgical commonwealth, as of a natural body, depend on each other.

On Hobbes's account of heresy, faithful followers of Christ may be heretics

"the teaching that matrimony is a sacrament giveth to the clergy the judging of the lawfulness of marriages, and thereby, of what children are legitimate; and consequently of the right of succession to hereditary kingdoms" (Hobbes, L 4.47.9)

Human dignity must be expressed by signs, or our ability to respect it fades; thus, as Douglass notes, we cannot respect those who show no signs of power. But at the same time, not all signs are equally suited to expressing such a thing.

solidarity with the martyrs and the virgins

immediate inferences as complex modal facts about terms

receivability as legal evidence
(1) relevant: tends to make a fact more probable than it would be without it
(2) material: is of legal consequence
(3) admissible (unexcluded); involves reasoning appropriate to legal process, as determined by the rules of that process, given the ends of that process

Haack's arguments that degrees of warrant cannot be probabilities:
(1) Weak evidence may require suspension of judgment (neither p nor not-p warranted), but probabilities must add to 1.
(2) Where probability of p and q are less than 1, conjunction is less than probability of conjuncts; but the warrant of a conjunction may be greater than the warrant of either conjunct (as in circumstantial evidence).

evidential weight as test survival

laws of nature as principles of object stability

interrogative function of propositions as analogous to Diamond

Willingness to endure the fire of purification is part of filial love.

Ascension : Pentecost : Parousia :: Orders : Confirmation : Baptism :: Ascension : Transfiguration : Baptism

analogies as implicit stories

three major concerns of prudence: consistency with rational order, consistency with friendship of virtue, consistency with common good

consistency with friendship of excellence as a constraint on licit consent

opposition to proselytism as contraceptive mentality

vocal argument, meditative argument, insight beyond argument

officium = kathekon

As marriage is understood, so society is understood.

PSR as like a conservation law for intelligibility

Joy is the destroyer of envy, peace the destroyer of wrath, love the destroyer of vainglory.

Hobbes's Calliclean account of happiness (Lev 1.11.1-2)

Hobbes allows for a morality-by-negative-impression, since on his account there are things that cannot be made moral because they violate the conditions necessary for morality.

Mackie attributes a queer power to the human mind, namely, its ability to identify objects as queer in themselves.

The rejection of summum bonum is perhaps the single most significant element of Hobbes's political philosophy.

If the papal office concerns the unity of the Church, it touches in its authority on all individuals.

priests Ex 28:41
kings 1 Sam 10:1
prophets 1 Kings 19:16
2 Cor 1:21-22

The text is an authorial disposition of mediate instruments.

Gadamer et al buy into the Protestantish notion of the text itself speaking to us, on its own, rather than having its meaning only within a spirit of communication proceeding from the author. This is nto to say that they never compensate for it in minor ways, but they start in the wrong place.

to consider & think about: hyperintensionality is just hybrid modality (& the hyperintensional paradox just involves leaving out relevant modalities)

A mechanism is a teleological system.

constant domain and variable domain interpretations of quantification