Thursday, August 06, 2020

Three Poem Drafts


in a storm of blazing glory
in the heat of burning love,
a whisper born eternal
that pours from Throne above,
a flame that flickers brightly
as, like paper, is consumed
the soul, that living candle,
so it bursts through dark and gloom;
and when we fall in prayer,
then we learn that we may dare
to stand before bright heaven
with our lanterns burning bare.

Cold, Hard World

Curse often follows the blessing,
order gives way to the mess,
misfortune can take your good guessing,
after the glory, tristesse:
it's a cold, hard world.

Galewinds can tear the best lashing,
mountains your fortresses smash,
the heavens a-sudden come crashing,
firestorms turn treasures to ash:
it's a cold, hard world.

But words are written in the heart
deeper than the heart can hold;
you are of God's plan made a part,
so be bold.

Three Snowflakes

In lonely dreams
the snow-sheet falls
like silent steps
in hollow halls.

In even shades
the breezes moan
and chill the flesh
to bitter bone.

The winter owl
will softly mourn
for mortal men
in shadows born.