Friday, December 03, 2021

Dashed Off XXVII

 wondering as potential knowledge

the Muse & design prior to one's own design

thought, imagination, and ear as the sources of justification in poetry

the silver snowlight,
with starlike gleaming
in moon-glow blue and bright

language as implyling the external world
the worldness of language

the intrinsic partialness of our thought

name under accusative restriction
name under attributive restriction
name broken into further names

Fact implies counterfactual.

rule, notion, word
governing rule, internal discourse, verbal discourse

the beauty that uplifts beyond the passions

We produce in our minds so as to become in our minds.

Even a dead religion is a powerful thing.

percussive aspects of dance

monarchical (hereditary knighthood), oligarchical (paid military, either professional or mercenary), and democratic (militia) modes of military force

Elections never run smoothly; the most for which one reasonable aims is a lack of irreparable defects.

The bare ability to vote constrains nothing; its force as a bulwark against abuse of powers depends on the system of which it is part.

Positive rights grow out of actual solutions to actual problems.

Aspirational rights are useless unless there are adequate assessment and review processes. Operative rights are inadequate without carefully constrained enforcement procedures.

precedential, operative, and aspirational aspects of a constitution

Democratic governance only works to the extent that people maintain a sense of proportion and work for consistency.

Votes only have relative weight relative to some measure, and votes weighing equally according to one may not weigh equally according to another.

Elections are oligarchical by nature; when we talk of 'democratic elections' we mean elections structured so as to make certain democratic concessions.

Erotic feelings seem to have an unusually active tendency to meld with other feelings to create relatively unique cocktail failings. This perhaps helps with attachment to a particular person?

Attacks against faith are always eventually modified into attacks against reason.

the humility of the Eucharist

Protest gives no right of destruction.

Evidence that a distinction is widespread in language is evidence for its reasonableness.

Kant takes the analytic/synthetic distinction to be found, at least loosely and roughly, in Locke, Essay IV.iii.9ff.

three forms of class: money-based, education-based, power-based


the ethical counterpart of iatrogenesis

the well-field system as a symbol of good society at large

heavenly honors (virtues) : yang :: human honors (prince, minister, official) : yin

"Universalists say Jesus Christ is the Saviour of all men. But from what does he save them?" Brownson

A judiciary is an embodied custom of handling law.

sovereignty as primary superior dignity in effective action

knighthood as service, service as knighthood

Any system based on self-identification is easily gamed.

building priest-holes in a hostile society

Our sense of clarity is not (pace C. Thi Nguyen) a signal that we can terminate an investigation but one that we can fruitfully use what seems clear in investigation.

the involution of the gospel into reason, conscience, sense of beauty, sense of humor, etc.

-- look at Alexander Kox on the parables of Matthew 13

Scripture as read in the liturgy is an instrumental moral cause disposing us to sacramental grace; so read, it is morally an act of the Holy Spirit.

Creation, Scripture, Eucharist in the liturgy as appropriated to the Persons of the Trinity

With regard to heaven and earth, Providence is in heaven and earth. With regard to myriad things, Providence is in every one of them. There is but one Providence, received by the individuals of all things in its entirety and undivided. For it is the Supreme Ultimate, which is what is highest of all, beyond which nothing can be, which unites and embraces the orders of heaven, earth, and all things.

To say that the sacraments contain grace requires that the grace itself be attributable to the sacrament in the manner of presence. To say that it confers grace requires that this grace be given in the sense of being carried over to those who receive it.

Scripture as divine philophronesis

Many ideas are required to build one good idea.

"...we oftener say things because we can say them well, than because they are sound and reasonable." Landor

Billot's criticism of physical causality accounts of sacramental efficacy makes clear that the opposition to them is often a certain kind of dualism: the assumption is that a corporeal force can have no spiritual effect, a spiritual effect cannot be in a corporeal cause.

sacrament as
sign to us --- disposes us to grace
mark of covenant --- entitles us to grace
instrument --- contains and confers grace
sign to others --- allows us to witness to grace
rite we do --- orders the life of the Church, as a sort of decorum
rite we experience --- assists the completion of our virtue and self-cultivation
gift --- unites us with God in friendship
prayer --- expresses our love and reverence and draws us to God
hierarchical act --- purifies us, illuminates us, unites us with God
exemplate --- represents God to us

Without the divine, nothing conceptually unifies the purely possible and the actual.

each sacrament as perfecting the logic of a kind of myth, in preparation for that which is beyond all myth

rites as practical participatory signs

The Lord of the Rings is a quest for abnegation, not to obtain but to divest, to achieve by self-sacrifice.

eucharistic honor and prima facie grounds
(1) fidelity: to uphold baptismal vows, to be honest in one's devotion
(2) reparation: to do penance for injuries/disrespect to the eucharist
(3) gratitude: to give thanks for the eucharist
(4) nonmaleficence: to avoid injury or disrespect to eucharist
(5) beneficence: to act well toward the eucharist, to do good in its name
(6) justice: to act in a manner toward the eucharist that is due to its merit
(7) self-improvement: to grow in virtue on the basis of the eucharist.

The memory and power of what was done in the Life of Christ as it were fuses into that which we bring, thus making it sacramental.

one -- cooperation -- multitude
thing -- community -- aggregate

Humean psychology is built on the assumption that we have direct access to atoms of experience; but in reality  we have fuzzy general impressions we articulate.

1 Cor 14:19 -- the superiority of doctrine to private spirituality

"When a man is empty and without bias, everyone will contribute his wisdom to him." Hsiang/Kuo

dispassionate effortlessness without overthinking

The powerless are never your enemy.

geographical terrain as a literary character

ontological, epistemic, moral, juridical, and aesthetic proxies

acquired distastes

Hunting and gathering is already the beginning of agriculture.

mono no aware & lacrimae rerum
-- the primary difference seems to be that mono no aware is present-focused and lacrimae rerum is past-focused

Lacrimae rerum in context is shared -- even in a foreign people, we are not all alone; there too the praiseworthy is remembered, there are tears for things, and mortal matters touch the mind.
sunt lacrimae rerum et mentem mortalia tangunt

mourning for the essential and deathliness on the mind

"I am a man, and what I have to recapture is the whole past of the world." Fanon

Choices are sacrifices, and religious sacrifices are symbolic choices.

The Way of Rejection is the Way of Affirmation; the Way of Affirmation is the Way of Rejection.

historical reconstruction as philosophizing-with, from one's own stance (or more broadly, that of a posited audience)

Every honest profession finds its completion in offering to God.

Exclusive legal positivism seems to have difficulty with precedential aspects of legal system, which require expectations of reasonable and impartial judgment and compliance with a view of normal action and reaction.

measurement practice -> input class -> equation -> output class -> operable practice

Citizenship, like love, blossoms in liberty and power.