Friday, June 03, 2022

Dashed Off XIII

 sauces méres
the standard list is from Auguste Escoffier, La guide culinaire (1907)
(1) Béchamel (white)
(2) Espagnole (brown)
(3) Tomato (red)
(4) Velouté (clear)
(5) Hollandaise
[(5) is only in the English-language edition; but in the French editions mayonnaise is described as a mother sauce for cold sauces]
-- Carême ni L'art de la cuisine française au XIXe siècle (1833), gives as 'grandes sauces': Espagnole,, Allemande,  Velouté, Béchamel. He identifies tomato, Hollandaise, mayonnaise, Poivrade, and Suprême as 'petite sauces'. (But keep in mind name shifts -- Allemande and Béchamel in Carême's terminology are adaptations of Velouté, and use different recipes than would be used today.)

A common problem in politics is treating things that are approximately true as if they were strictly true.

(1) Episcopal authority must respect the dignity of the members of the flock over which the bishop has authority.
(2) Episcopal authority cannot undo sacraments of character.
(3) Episcopal authority cannot require blasphemy, sacrilege, or anything similar.
(4) Episcopal authority must apply penalties and excommunication with regard to the orderly good of the Church.
(5) Episcopal authority can do what is appropriate and necessary for the orderly good of the Church.

Performative compassion in the long run chokes out real compassion.

"part of the pleasure we feel [at an argument] is at our own intelligent anticipation" Aristotle (Rhetoric 1400b)

pervasion in Nyaya syllogism and infallible signs in Aristotle's Rhetoric 1402b-1403a

"metaphors imply riddles" Rhetoric 1405b

All sacramental ceremonies involve peripeties. (Transubstantiation is the most drastic.)

Benedictus Deus (1336) links the Ascension and enjoying the Beatific Vision in heaven.

Christian Scripture is a text of inspired sense handed down in the Church so as to be a canonical rule of faith.

We tend to trust people more if they agree with us a lot, even on irrelevant issues.

(1) We know (from infant baptism) that vicarious intention suffices for infants in Baptism of water.
(2) We know from the Holy Innocents that infants can have baptism of blood, and thus can receive the effect of baptism without the sign of water.
(3) We know that parents, godparents, etc., can have vicarious intention even where the infant's death prevents the actual Baptism of water.
(4) By analogy, it seems that if actual intention can have baptismal effect in Baptism of desire, the vicarious intention for infant baptism can have baptismal effect if the actual baptism is rendered moot by the infant's death,
(5) Thus baptism of vicarious desire.

Kant's Critique of Judgment as a theory of inquiry

plays as fictional rituals

category theory as a picture of mathematical abstraction

God is named from the procession of perfections from God into existents.

"nonexistents have something of good insofar as they are potential to actual being" Aquinas (Div Nom)

labor theory of value as Benthamism of labor

airvery highvery highvery lowfree access
waterhighvery highlowutility
food in scarce conditionslowvery highhighration
diamond ringlowmoderate/lowhighluxury
paperback booksmoderate/lowmoderate/lowmoderate/lowcommon

In the long run, the convenient way tends to become the only way it can be done.

If you do not train people, you select for people who are good at displaying merely superficial signs of competence.

The proper proof of demonstrability is demonstration.

Political policies will always only approximately solve problems, even at their most successful.

The schizophrenia of much political discourse is due to, on some particular point, insisting that progress is inevitable (and opposition to it futile) and yet also continually threatened (and support of it necessary).

As pleasure is cognizance of harmony, pleasures are of different kinds, qualities, and relations.

things that are moved movers incidentally vs things that are designed to be moved movers

the verse of the clock

Such are human beings that we enjoy being around even the rumor and ruin of greatness.

No form of democracy with any stability is purely majoritarian.

rights as due qua juridical goods

being patient, finding common ground, focusing on actual problems, considering the whole community

instituted rights & insinuated rights

To live virtuously is to live according to the whole goodness of good.

There are always people who treat morality as a rhetorical system of excuse-making.

matrimony as the sacrament of salvation history

Matrimony is like baptism, penance, and unction in being remedial; it is like confirmation, eucharist, and unction in being confirmatory; it is like baptism, confirmation, and ordination in being the foundation for a Christian state of life; it is like confirmation and ordination in being a sacrament of social service. It looks back to paradise, it represents the Passion, and it looks forward to the Wedding Banquet of the Lamb.

Hosea 2:16 is a pun: One day you will call me 'my husband' (ish = man) and will no longer call me 'my husband' (ba'al = lord).

being civilized as both art and wisdom

metaphysic the science of science, logic the art of arts
which raises the question of the prudence of prudences

Scripture imitates Christ in its combination of greatness and humbleness.

law-rights vs officium-rights

We only learn autonomy in the school of loving, whether loving a cause or loving others or both; everything else is a form of fake autonomy.

All moral terms tend to get poisoned in extensive use and need periodically to be purified.

civil theology & maintaining the pax deorum

natural theology : metaphysics :: civil theology : politics

rite as visible order

sacrament & sacration

the Ascension as an ascension into sacramental and supersacramental presence (cp. Eph 4:10)

Peter and the apostles are given not the key but the keys.

In every Christological mystery there are aspects that can only be known by triplex via.

Montevideo statehood: defined territory, permanent population, government, capacity to enter into relations with other states.

international law as intergroup private law

respublica Christianorum

natural vs juridical state

States are composite creatures and their rights are composite rights, some deriving from control of territory, some from representation of population, some from agreements with other states, etc.

sovereign territories created by treaty error: Indian Stream, Cospaia Republic
sovereign territory created by feudal accident: Couto Misto

Natural rights being inalienable, we can violate our own natural rights.

analogy as first method

Nations grow old not with time but with laziness.

Peace is not a state of things but a tradition.

Sometimes we freely choose because we must.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood itself follows the understanding - deconstruction - reconstruction pattern.

Compatibilism seems to encourage people to confuse freely choosing to do something and freely doing it.

(1) Adam's sin as a type of our sin
(2) Our sin as in part an inheritance from Adam
(3) Adam's sin as losing our likeness to God (Irenaeus, Didymus)
(4) Adam's sin as loss of divinization (Justin)
(5) We are linked to Adam as contained in what contains (Tertullian, Ambrose, Ambrosiaster)
(6) From Adam's sin we have received "the contagion of ancient death" (Cyprian)

Morality has become for us an impoverished phenomenon due to Adam's sin.

Scripture as retraining us for spiritual perception.

Human life is situated, but there is a distortion in our situation. Thus our baptism is an initiation into a new situation.

freedom of virtue and slavery to sin a better frame than autonomy and heteronomy

Sin is not, properly speaking, the 'privation of total loving' because love as virtue is not the positive opposite of sin and vice but something far greater and more divine.

The purpose of music during a movie scene is to bridge between the viewer and the screen, putting the viewer into the scene, allowing the viewer to be participant, at least somewhat, in what would ordinarily be only seen with distance.

Today's carefully argued conclusion is tomorrow's slogan and the day after tomorrow's overextended cliche.

It is always easier to redistribute injustice than to cultivate justice; the latter requires patience, persistence, and discipline over an extended period of time.

In Mass we begin with objective Christ (Scripture) and continue to substantive Christ (Eucharist) by which we become sacramental Christ (Church). In the Scripture we begin with fundamental signs (the book) which are made formal signs (the reading); in Eucharist we begin with symbolic Body and Blood (the elements) which are made substantive Body and Blood; thus we who are figuratively the Body of Christ (Church as society) are made sacramentally the Body of Christ (Church as mystery).

activity as public actuality, actuality as other things may be related to it

Probability is always relative to assumed causal structure.

To focus only on harms and benefits inevitably leads to dishonesty.