Monday, October 30, 2023

Links of Note

* Brian Kemple, On the Meanings of 'Object', 'Objective', and 'Objectivity', at the Lyceum Institute 

* Michael Walschots, Incentives of the Mind: Kant and Baumgarten on the Impelling Causes of Desire (PDF)

* Hazem Zohny, Twenty-five years of the 'Oregon model of assisted suicide'

* Emma Emrich, Aquinas and Buridan on the Substance of the Soul and Its Powers: On the Intermediary Nature of Properties (PDF)

* Nadya Williams, Democracies Need Shared Literature, at "Front Porch Republic"

* Michael Veldman, Mathematizing Metaphysics: The Case of the Least Action Principle (PDF)

* David Polansky, Do nations have navels, or what does it mean to belong?, at "Strange Frequencies"

* George E. Panichas, The structure of basic human rights (PDF)

* You can find out your birthday in the Aztec calendar. Since it was common in Mesoamerica for your birthday also to be your name, you can therefore find out your Aztec name. Mine is Seven Snake, or as it is sometimes given, Seven Serpent. Looking at the Florentine Codex online, you can also sometimes find how the Aztecs would read the day as an omen -- Seven Serpent was considered a day of extraordinary good fortune, since days in the seventh place are good luck and Seven Serpent in particular is associated with abundant harvest in "merits, gifts, and good deserts".

* Levi Durham, The Role of Hospice and Palliative Medicine in the Ars Moriendi (PDF)

* Terry Mattingly, The journey of Dorothy Sayers -- from classical education to murder mysteries and back, at "Get Religion"

* Robert Junqueira, What can anyone say so far on the Peirce-CJC relation? (PDF)