Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Bonaventure for Lent XXIV

 Now we come to Christ either through faith or the sacrament of faith. Since faith in Christ is the same in past, present, and future, it follows that Christ's influencing power must reach all people -- those who went before him, those who were his contemporaries, and those who were yet to come; all who believe in him and who are reborn in him; all who are bound to him in faith and who, through an inpouring of grace become members of Christ and temples of the Holy Spirit, and thus children of God the Father, joined to one another by the unbreakable bond of love. Just as distance does not divide us, so we are not separated by the passing of time. Thus all the just, wherever they might be, whenever they might live, constitute one mystical body of Christ, receiving sense and motion from the one head that influences them, through the fontal, radical, and original fullness of all grace that dwells in Christ the fountainhead.

[Bonaventure, Breviloquium (4.5.6), Monti, tr., Franciscan Institute Publications (St. Bonaventure, NY: 2005) p. 149.]