Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Bonaventure for Lent XXV

 It is in Christ's merit, then, that all of our merits are rooted, both those that satisfy punishment or those that merit eternal life. For we are unworthy to be absolved from any offense against the supreme Good, nor do we deserve to be rewarded with the immensity of the eternal reward that is God's own self, except through the merit of the God-man. Of him we can and should say, Lord, all we have done, you have done for us. And he indeed is the Lord of whom the prophet spoke: I say to the Lord, "You are my God, for you have no need of my goods."

[Bonaventure, Breviloquium (4.7.7), Monti, tr., Franciscan Institute Publications (St. Bonaventure, NY: 2005), p. 156.]