All acridness and ambition and wrath and outcry and scurrility -- let it be taken away from you, along with every kind of badness. And become to one another useful, compassionate, forgiving each other as also God in Christ forgave you. Therefore become imitators of God, as doted-on children, and walk around in devotion, just as also Christ was devoted to us and submitted himself for us, an offering and sacrifice to God for a sweet-scented aroma. And debauchery and all impurity or craving, do not even let be named among you, as is fitting for the consecrated, and shamefulness and blathering or mockery, which are not appropriate; but rather, thanksgiving. For you are aware of this, that the debauched or impure or craving one, the one who is an idolator, has no patrimony in the realm of Christ and of God.
[Ephesians 4:31-5:5, my rough translation. 'Scurrility' is blasphemia; 'blathering' is morologia, fool-speaking or stupid-speaking. There are several plays on idea here, that emphasize the manner of our imitation. We are to forgive each other as God in Christ forgave us, which means that as beloved (agapeta) children we should walk in love (agape), as Christ loved (egapesen) in being a sacrifice for us; thus we should act as is fitting for the holy, i.e., those consecrated for sacrifice, which is to act in thanksgiving (eucharistia), which, of course is one of the major functions of sacrifice. If we do not act as appropriate to being consecrated, however, we do not have the inheritance (kleronomian) appropriate to beloved children.]