Thursday, January 09, 2025

Seeking Refuge in Argument

It is well said, then, that as a result of doing just things, the just person comes into being and as a result of doing moderate things, the moderate person; without performing these actions, nobody would become good. Yet most people [or the many] do not do them; and, seeking refuge in argument, they suppose that they are philosophizing and that they will in this way be serious, thereby doing something similar to the sick who listen attentively to the physicians but do nothing prescribed. Just as these latter, then, will not have a body in good condition by caring for it in that way, so too the former will not have a soul in good condition by philosophizing in this way.

[Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, Book II, Chapter 5 (1105b), Bartlett & Collins, trs., The University of Chicago Press (Chicago: 2011) p. 32]