Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Two Poem Drafts

 On a Passage in a Letter by Mary Shelley

From the window he looked down upon the terrace and the sea,
which rushed with endless foaming in a raging, rising flood;
he saw himself in shadow and from shadow he did flee:
his hand around the throat of fate, the pounding in the blood,
brought terror to his heart and from the sight he fled
in fear of things that ever were and children ghostly-dead.
Thus lonely on a poet's throne, with burdened poet's crown,
he fled, for sea was flooding in and all was coming down.

Psalm 148

Glorify the One Who Is, glorify the One Who Truly Is;
Glorify Him in the loftiness.
Glorify Him, all His envoys;
Glorify Him, all His armies;
Glorify Him, bright sun and yellow moon;
Glorify Him, you heaping, shining stars;
Glorify Him, you loftiest loftiness,
And you flowing flows above the loftiness.

They will glorify the Name of the One Who Truly Is,
For He commanded and they were founded,
And He made them stand onward and always,
And He inscribed that they not pass over.

Glorify out of the land the One Who Truly Is,
O monsters and all deep things,
Flame, hail, snow, and mist,
Tempest winds fulfilling His word,
Hills and hillocks,
Fruitful trees and all cedars,
Wildlife and all beasts,
Creeping reptiles and chirping, flying birds,
Kings of the lands and all nations,
Chieftains and all vindicators of the land.

They will glorify the Name of the One Who Truly Is,
For His Name alone is uplifted,
His splendor above the land and the loftiness.