Saturday, March 15, 2025

Links of Note

 * Troy Jollimore, I Used to Teach Students. Now I Catch ChatGPT Cheats., at "The Walrus"

* Heather Parry, Modern Life Is Ruining Storytelling, at "Persuasion"

* Simon Hewett, Elucidating the Eucharist (PDF). Transignification is inevitably an incomplete account of the Eucharist but, of course, it is one of the things that does occur.

* Bradley J. Birzer, The Breakfast Club at 40, at "Law & Liberty"

* Brandon Robshaw, The Necessity of Nussbaum, at "Aeon"

* Francesca Bellazi, The Metaphysics of Pregnancy (PDF)

* H. M. A. Leow, Debating the Definition of Taoism, at "JSTOR Daily"

* Michael Hannon, The Puzzle of Political Knowledge, at "Political Epistemology".

* Ragnar Van Der Merwe, Whewell's Fundamental Antithesis: A Lineage of Influence (PDF)

* Laurence R. Horn and Heinrich Wansing, Negation, at the SEP
Justin Winzenrieth, The Textual Transmission of the Aristotelian Corpus, at the SEP

* Apple Pie, Politika, at "Things to Read". Factor analysis always has to be taken with a box of salt, but it's generally useful for raising questions about the categories we use, and in politics the categories often carry a lot of baggage that can easily mislead.

* Louis Larue, Against Guala and Hindriks' functionalist theory of institutions (PDF)

* Colin Gorrie, When Poetry Didn't Rhyme, on alliterative poetry, at "Dead Language Society"

* Isaac Kolding, Why Is Uncle Tom's Cabin So Controversial?, at "Amateur Criticism"

* Samuel Meister, Aristotle's Nature-Bound Theology in Metaphysics Λ (PDF)

* Owen Flanagan, The shame felt in addiction isn't toxic -- it's healing, at "Psyche"