Friday, June 14, 2024

Dashed Off XIV

 Attitude coordination is a major aspect of spoken language, regardless of other aspects of meaning.

All social animals can be taught simple patterns of exchange.

Much of how any market works is done by the visible hand.

probability axioms and the structure of conservation laws?

In every field, skeptics can be deliberately stupid faster than dogmatists can form arguments; this is part of their lack of paideia.

The purpose of human law is the temporal tranquillity of civil society, and thus the pacific order of civilized life.

In Christ, the human race is given a new vocation, but it is given this vocation explicitly through the Church.

Beattie's traditionary argument: Theory of Language, Part II, ch 3, pp. 315-316

The liturgical year is a theology of the Eucharist and nothing less than the whole liturgical year is adequate even to a sketch of such a theology.

virtue as that which maintains the peace appropriate to common good

the Aristotelian primum mobile as boundary-cycle, the point of convergence between place & time

the internal morality of having a common good

Maritain's four characteristics of a free society: personalist, communal, pluralist, theist

"...the development of the human person normally requires a plurality of autonomous communities which have their own rights, liberties, and authority...." Maritain

incipit : generables :: desinit : perishables

Organizations don't use diversity programs to increase diversity, in the main; they use them as symbolic substitutes for diversity.

sacrilege against the human image

The fullness of happiness can only lie in common good. We cannot be fully happy in a hell of solitude.

Operations lead to ends by being contributors to them, or by being makers of them, or by being meritorious of them where the end is in the gift of another.

subsidiarity as "a normative structure of plural social forms" (Hittinger)

"Nature gives speech to human beings, and speech is directed to human beings communicating with one another regarding the useful and harmful, the just and unjust, and the like." Aquinas

The source of contingency in the effect is nondetermination in the cause.

The divine intellect, like the human intellect, is a free power, and therefore like and with the divine will is the source of contingency in creatures.

The human person is in destination the representation of God.

Every proof may be interpreted either as a proof, or as a procedure, or as an exposition of relations.

"For if essences, or possible terms of thought, are infinite in number and variety, it follows that every particular fact is contingent, arbitrary, and logically unnecessary, since infinite alternatives were open to existence, if existence had chosen to take a different form." Santayana
-- this is so fallacious as to be astounding; the conclusion does not follow, and, worse, it implies that there are necessarily particular possiblities (by introducing terms like possibility and contingency) and, worse still, the whole reasoning seems to imply that "There are no necessary truths" is a necessary truth.

We have a remarkable amount of knowledge of the immediate future. Almost everyone in almost every circumstance can predict exactly what will happen in the next fraction of a second.

We dramatize truth poetically because drama and poetry are imitations of truth.

"...allowing every man to pursue his own interest in his own way, upon the liberal plan of equality, liberty, and justice" Adam Smith, Wealth 4.9.3

symmetry as the sameness of the different
the different that makes no difference
symmetry as being relative to a change

Weaker modalities anywhere are explained by stronger modalities somewhere.

the link between symmetries and fields (fields as what makes it possible to do the comparison to identify a symmetry of a certain kind)
force as changing of a field

"The divine intellect is actual by its essence as the basis for understanding, and by this fact it has first act sufficient to produce everything else in esse cognitum, and by producing it in esse cognitum produces it as something that as dependence on it as intelligence (and the intellection is of that thing because the other thing depends on this intellection as on an absolute), just as in other things it is said that a cause considered as merely absolute as a first act, from which an effect proceeds, and the effect produced has a relation to the cause." Scotus (Ord. 1.35.1n47)
--This is a remarkable set of claims that deserves some thinking.

Scotus seems to take all modalities to be based on (principiated by) concepts (ultimately, but not exclusively, divine concepts).

The scientific study is exactly that, a study; it is a looking-into and only can become evidence in the context of a larger inquiry.

Historical knowledge is gained by perpetually circulating, continually thinking through the same acts.

"If the blessing of a man had so great power that he could change nature, what are we to say of that consceration to God wherein the very words of our God and Savior are instrumental? For that Sacrametn which you receive is made by the word of Christ. If the word of Elijah had so great power that it brought down fire from heaven, shall not the word of Christ have the power to change the species of the elements?" Ambrose

One does not 'choose a tradition'; one accepts what is handed down or one rejects it.

There is a tendency in bad attempts at phenomenology to assume a unitary phenomenon rather than to discover unities in the phenomena.

Reading Scripture as Scripture is training in understanding the things of the world in terms of their meaning, although it is not only this.

Theological doctrines of infallibility are not about cognition but about magisterial authority.

When you try to administer by statistics, you don't get administration according to rigorous inference, you get administration by the Circle-Is-Line school of statistics. That is, you don't get policies that are based on the best approach to analysis. You get policies based on the approach that always easily gives an analysis, whether good or bad.

People confuse improving themselves and giving themselves beneficial things.

"Every science and langauge and religion is big with unsuspected harmonies; it is for the genuine poet or philosopher to feel and to express them." Santayana

"A tradition, however firmly rooted, if it is never watered, though it dies hard, yet in the end it dies." Dorothy Sayers

One of Dickens's strengths is the ability to march the novel right up to the edge of allegory without ever actually tipping over.

-- Dickens on 'telescopic philanthropy' (Bleak House)
the foggy conscience as the root of the parallel between telescopic philanthropy and the interminable cases at chancery (confusion of ends and means, depreciation of present people)
-- rapacious benevolence, doing charity wholesale

"A development, to be truthful, must retain both the doctrine and the principle with which it started." Newman

the problem of ingratitude to saints

Resurrection : New Life :: Ascension : New Presence

the whole of Scripture as a divine-ecclesial speech act
-- much Biblical scholarship seems to confuse locutionary act and illocutionary force at this level

(1) Whatever is received is received according to some mode.
(2) transcendental disjunctions (e.g., infinite-or-finite)
(3) What is had in the lesser mode can be had from something having in the greater mode, but not vice versa.
(4) Therefore lesser mode is from greater mode.
(5) But there cannot be infinite regress in mode of reception.
(6) Therefore there is something having in greater mode that has in that mode without having received.

One: Christ as Head
Holy: Christ as Savior
Catholic: Christ as Lord (having authority in heaven and on earth)
Apostolic: Christ as Son (from God, mission)

The sun is clear here,
never hidden;
it shines with halo,
hale and holy.

By their very construction, possible worlds require truthmakers. However, different interpretations may require different truthmakers.

nonbinding standards & the 'reasonable person' in law

Our true reawakening is on the other side of death and judgment; but in this life we can have many small anticipations of it.

inner morality of legislation, of law enforcement, of adjudication, of citizenship

No legal system can exist without a pre-legal moral background

inner morality of liturgy, of pastoral direction, of parochial administration, etc.

the politics of redefinition

Mt 25:14 and the Ascension

Feynman diagrams as a diagrammatic classification system for interactions

Real & unreal Feynman diagrams -- for real:
(1) Conserved quantities are conserved at vertices.
(2) Processes have a minimum energy, which depends on context. (e.g., energy must be conserved from all perspectives) ---> Important for understanding 'virtual particles' (inside diagram, particles can have any mass at all; but the contribution of an interactions is related to how close such numbers are to real) --> These are basis of sum-over-histories approach.
(3) Fermions always interact with bosons, not fermions, but bosons can interact with both. 
--> photons (interact with particles that have electric charge); gluons (with colored particles, i.e., quarks and gluons); Z bosons (particles affected by weak interactions: fermions, Higgs bosons, W & Z bosons); W bosons (p-type quark <-> down-type quark; electrons and neutrino forms); Higgs bosons (with massive particles); gravitons (with everything)

Different kinds of people have different problem-solving skills.

Careers are means, not ends.

The monk converts physical to spiritual labor.

Parents often suffer in the person of their children.

All mathematics of which we know presupposes a background of interacting with the world.

space as possibility of boundaries

Every divine name is a moral ground of authority.

liturgy as mediation of infinite intelligibility

Self-understanding is not constituted by beliefs about ourselves.

the modal logic of the declared
X counts as Y in context C (e.g., whales count as fish for the purposes of such-and-such fishing law)
Box (xy)c -> T (xy)c -> Diamond (xy)c

impressionistic vs principled conscience

Melodies arise because tones are not purely separate but have at least loose tendencies to other tones, and sequences of tones have extrapolations to other sequences of tones.

Rhythms in music help us to sort out what else is happening in the music; it is what therefore allows layering.

"Verse is to poetry, what colours are to painting." Beattie
"Good breeding is the art of pleasing those with whom we converse."
"Translations are like portraits. They may give some idea of the lineaments and colour, but the life and the motion they cannot copy; and too often, instead of exhibiting the air of the original, they present us with that only which is most agreeable to the taste of the painter."

Instead of possible worlds, we could just as easily interpret modalities in a framework of permissible complexes for worldmaking or comprehensible cognizable systems. Structurally it would work much the same way.

free and responsible agents, equal in dignity, united in common purpose

Liberty, equality, and fraternity are each something that requires extensive training and planning.

La Cote Male Taille has to be chronologically early.

Simplified Moorman Scheme
I. Arthur
IV. Gareth
II. Lucius
III. Launcelot
VI. Santegraal
VII. Guinevere
VIII. Arthur
(V. Tristram overlaps IV, II, and III)
-- however, Malory presents Lancelot as recently knighted in Book II and one of the three best knoghts in the world in IV; yet Tristram is apparently a knight of the Round Table in II and not yet in IV. -- It is possible, though that Tristram is at court but has not yet joined RD in II.

Malorian inconsistencies
Bk I. Arthur fights with Excalibur before having it; Griflet fights as a knight before being knighted; Merlin's prediction of the death of the eleven kings fails; knight belong to the Round Table before there is a Round Table; Arthur's sisters are wed, but Merlin says Arthur will give one to Pellinore; Gawain's damsel is present despite having deserted; Pellinor says only he or his next kin can achieve the Questing Beast, but the QB is chased by Palomides after his death; the maiden of Balin's sword is present after she leaves.
Bk VI. inconsistent names for the Maimed King
-- Most supposed inconsistencies are just numbers that don't add up (e.g., in Bk VII, Arthur takes nine knights, but ten names are given)

Hume T 1.2.6 as an account of cognitional/intentional being
(1) What is cognized is cognized as being.
(2) Either this being is (a) cognized distinctly from that to which it is attributed or (b) the same as what is cognized.
(3) Hume rejects (a) on the basis of the separability principle, so he accepts (b).
(4) Distinction of reason is rejected based on the univocity of being.

"The supposit is the individuated nature considered as subsistent." Joseph Owen
"If its nature is intellectual, the supposit is called a *person*."

symbebekes: what goes along with being per se
accidens: what falls on / happens to being per se

place (ubi) : posture (situs) :: continuous : discrete