Come, let us give thanks and glorify our good God, as much as we are able, for his benefits to our race: honor him for our establishment, from the beginning, in the name of his honorable Image; and, when the enemy envied our honor and cast us out of our glory, the Lord was revealed to us, and spoke to us in his Son, who is the Inheritance and Progenitor of the world to come; in whose birth gathered us from the error of ignorance to the knowledge of his Divinity; who was baptized and gave us a true adoption; who fasted and gave encouragement to our weariness that we might overcome Satan; in whose death conquered the tyrant; and who justified us, lifted us up and raised us with him in glory.
[From the Basilica hymn for the Second Week of Lent, in The Book of Before and After: The Liturgy of the Hours of the Church of the East, Fr. Andrew Younan, ed. and tr., The Catholic University of America Press (Washington, DC: 2024), p. 477.]