I put up a fair amount of poetry, although the amount depends to vary depending on (1) how much poetry I am reading; (2) how busy I am; and (3) everything else that affects posting. I had a thought yesterday, though, that it would be interesting to get a sense overall of the poetry that is posted (I'm talking poetry by people who are not me). To put it in concrete terms, if someone were to make an anthology of all the poetry that I've put up, what would it look like? So I spent way too much time last night going through seven-years-and-counting of posts to find what poems I had shared in that time. And so here is the list, not counting mere excerpts from long poems and any scattered poems I may have accidentally missed. (I have not been very careful to distinguish translators from original authors, nor in distinguishing poems known only by first lines from poems that have standard titles.) Hymns are well represented; indeed, for a long time, hymns were the bulk of poems that were actually posted; while posting other kinds of poems goes back to the beginning, doing it semi-regularly is something that didn't begin until the past three or four years. Poems associated with feast days and holidays are well represented -- one reason for how well-represented Keble is, since there are only two poems by Keble that are not liturgical calendar poems. (Christina Rossetti also benefits from having written so many liturgical calendar poems, but she would still have significant representation without them.) About 1/5th of the poets represented are women. I haven't tallied it up, but it looks like the Victorian dominates every other period. That would make sense given (1) my reading habits, including my taste for Romanticism; (2) my interest in didactic lyric, which arguably had its heyday in the nineteenth century; and (3) the fact that many of the poems are chosen because of striking lines or verses, and the Victorian period is a period in which a considerable amount of attention was paid to the cultivation of striking lines (as opposed to, say, the general impression of the poem as a whole, or to complex images, or to elegance of meter, or some such). The eighteenth century and early twentieth century both do fairly well, however. It's mostly English or English translation, of course, but there are by my count three poems in Latin, two in Spanish, and two in French.
"In Those Twelve Days"
"Oranges and Lemons"
"The Parting Glass"
"Wassail, Wassail, Sing We"
Adam of St. Victor
"Vox Sonora"
Adolphe-Basile Routhier
"O Canada!"
Alexander McLachlan
"Song of Mary Magdalene"
Alexander Pope
"Universal Prayer"
Alfred Noyes
"The Loom of the Years"
Alfred Tennyson
"'Break, Break, Break'"
"Ring Out the Old"
"St. Agnes' Eve"
"The Deserted House"
"The Kraken"
"The Oak"
"The Sisters"
Alice Meynell
"A General Communion"
"The Wind is Blind"
Anna Seward
Anne Bradstreet
"By Night When Others Soundly Slept"
Anne Brontë
"Believe Not Those Who Say"
Arthur Hugh Clough
"Say Not the Struggle Nought Availeth"
Arthur Rimbaud
Bernard of Clairvaux
"O Jesus, King Most Wonderful" (tr. by Edward Caswall)
Bret Harte
"Love and Physic"
Catherine Winkworth
"O Thou Essential Word"
Charles Baudelaire
Charles Edward Thomas
"Mater Dolorosa"
Charles Kingsley
"Child Ballad"
Charles Wesley
"And Am I Born to Die?"
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
"A Common Inference"
Charlotte Turner Smith
"Sonnet XXXIV -- To a Friend"
Christina Rossetti
"A Christmas Carol (On the Stroke of Midnight)"
"A Harvest"
"An Easter Carol"
"A Nursery Rhyme"
"Beneath Thy Cross"
"By the Waters of Babylon"
"Christmas Eve"
"Consider the Lilies of the Field"
"De Profundis"
"Easter Eve"
"Easter Even"
"Easter Monday"
"Easter Tuesday"
"Feast of the Presentation"
"Good Friday"
"Herself a Rose, Who Bore a Rose"
"Holy Innocents"
"I Have No Wit, No Words, No Tears"
"Martyr's Song"
"Maundy Thursday"
"Monday in Holy Week"
"One Certainty"
"Palm Sunday"
"Resurrection Eve"
"St. John the Apostle"
"The Knell of the Year"
"There Remaineth Therefore a Rest"
"The Thread of Life"
"Tuesday in Holy Week"
"Wednesday in Holy Week"
"Whitsun Day"
Christine de Pisan
"Ballad 26 -- to her deceased husband"
Christopher Smart
"The Dog in the River"
"The Fox and the Grapes"
"The Mountain in Labour"
"The Two Bags"
"Hymn to Zeus" (tr. by Edward Beecher)
"Hymn to Zeus" (tr. by M. A. C. Ellery)
Conrad Aiken
"There Was an Island in the Sea"
Coventry Patmore
"Magna Est Veritas"
Dante Gabriel Rossetti
"Nuptial Sleep"
"The Kiss"
"The Passover in the Holy Family"
"The Sea-Limits"
Dorothy Gurney
"Perfect Love"
Edith Sitwell
"Still Falls the Rain"
Edna St. Vincent Millay
"What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why"
Edward Esch
"Light of Gold"
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
"Acrostic, by St. Simeon Metaphrastes"
"A Curse for a Nation"
"A Sea-Side Walk"
"Song of the Rose"
"The Soul's Expression"
Emma Lazarus
"The New Colossus"
Emily Dickinson
"A Triumph May Be of Several Kinds"
"I Died for Beauty"
Ezra Pound
"Canto XLV"
"The Logical Conclusion"
Felicia Dorothea Hemans
"A Paraphrase of Psalm CXLVIII"
Francis Quarles
"A Divine Rapture"
Francis Thompson
"The Kingdom of God"
Frederick Lucian Hosmer
"Not Always on the Mount May We"
Friedrich Schiller
"The Knights of St. John" (tr. by Edward Bulwer Lytton)
F. Scott Fitzgerald
"Rain Before Dawn"
Geoffrey Chaucer
"The Love Unfeigned"
George Berkeley
"America or The Muse's Refuge"
"On Siris and Its Enemies"
George Gordon Byron
"Sonnet on Chillon"
"The Destruction of Sennacherib"
"There Be None of Beauty's Daughters"
George Eliot
"Question and Answer"
George Herbert
"Colossians III.3"
"Love (III)"
"The Agonie"
"The Holdfast"
"The Thanksgiving"
George Santayana
"Sonnet III"
"Sonnet V"
Gerard Manley Hopkins
"Duns Scotus's Oxford"
"Morning, Midday, and Evening Sacrifice"
Gilbert Keith Chesterton
"A Ballade of Suicide"
"The Donkey"
Grace Noll Crowell
"A Song on a Bare Bough"
"By the Light of the Years"
Harriet Skidmore
"Saint Rose of Lima"
Hassard Dodgson
Henry More
"Hymn for Pentecost"
Henry Vaughan
"The World"
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
"I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day"
Henry W. Baker
"O God of Love, O King of Peace"
Hugo Ball
Humbert Wolfe
"Requiem: The Soldier"
Isaac Watts
"When I Survey the Wondrous Cross"
James Beattie
"Epitaph, Intended for Himself"
James Russell Lowell
"The Changeling"
James Thomson
"A Song of Sighing"
James Whitcomb Riley
"Dawn, Noon, and Dewfall"
"Little Orphant Annie"
"The Old Swimmin'-Hole"
"The Ripest Peach"
"The Shoemaker"
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
"The Sorcerer's Apprentice" (tr. by Edwin Zeydel)
John Bowring
John Byrom
"To Henry Wright of Mobberley, Esq., on Buying the Picture of Father Malebranche at a Sale"
John Davies
"In What Manner The Soule Is United To The Body"
"The Twentieth Psalm"
John Donne
"A Valediction Forbidding Mourning"
"Holy Sonnet X"
"Holy Sonnet XII"
"Holy Sonnet XIII"
"The Annunciation and Passion"
John Dryden
"A Song for St. Cecilia's Day, November 22, 1687"
"Te Deum"
John Godfrey Saxe
"The Blind Men and an Elephant"
John Greenleaf Whittier
"O Holy Father, Just and True"
"O Thou, Whose Presence Went Before"
John Henry Newman
"Christmas without Christ"
"My Birthday"
"The Month of Mary"
"The Transfiguration--Lauds"
"The Transfiguration--Matins"
John H. Hopkins, Jr.
"We Three Kings"
John Keats
"Bright Star"
"The Poet - a Fragment"
John Keble
"Ascension Day"
"Ash Wednesday"
"Easter Eve"
"First Sunday after Easter"
"Good Friday"
"Monday Before Easter"
"Monday in Whitsun Week"
"Palm Sunday"
"Second Sunday in Lent"
"St. John Baptist's Day"
"St. John's Day"
"St. Stephen's Day"
"Thursday Before Easter"
"Tuesday Before Easter"
"Wednesday Before Easter"
John Lingard
"Hail, Queen of Heaven, the Ocean Star"
John Mason Neale
"Draw Nigh, Draw Nigh, Emmanuel"
"Good King Wenceslas"
"The Eternal Gifts of Christ the King"
John Milton
"On His Blindness"
"On the Platonic Idea as Understood by Aristotle"
John Norris
"Damon and Pythias, or Friendship in Perfection"
"Lay Down, Proud Heart, Thy Rebel Arms"
"Sing Then Ye Blest Attendants on His Throne"
"The Conquest"
"The Retirement"
John Pierpont
"Prayer of the Abolitionist"
John Rollin Ridge
"False, but Beautiful"
John Wesley Work, Jr.
"Go, Tell It on the Mountain"
Joseph Addison
"The Spacious Firmament on High"
J. R. R. Tolkien
"O Elbereth! Gilthoniel!"
Juana Inés de la Cruz
"En que da moral censura a una rosa, y en ella a sus semejantes"
Juan de la Cruz
"En una noche escura"
"O Living Flame of Love"
"Stanzas of the Soul"
Julia Ward Howe
"Arise, Then, Women of This Day!"
"Battle Hymn of the Republic"
Langston Hughes
Martin Luther
"A Mighty Fortress Is Our God"
Mary Sidney
"Psalm CXVII"
Matthew Bridges
"Crown Him with Many Crowns"
Nahapet Kouchak
"Birthday Song"
"Hymn III to the Night" (tr. by George MacDonald)
Oliver Herford
Oscar Wilde
"Ave Maria Gratia Plena"
Paul Elmer More
Peter Maurin
"Politics is Politics"
"World War -- 1914"
Phillips Brooks
"O Little Town of Bethlehem"
Phyllis Wheatley
"An Hymn to the Morning"
"To A Gentleman And Lady On The Death Of The Lady’s Brother And Sister, And A Child Of The Name Of Avis, Aged One Year"
"In Love Nothing Exists Between Heart and Heart"
"My Greatest Need Is You"
Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The Snow-Storm"
Richard Wilbur
Robert Browning
"Youth and Art"
Robert Burns
"Address To The Unco Guid, Or The Rigidly Righteous"
Robert Herrick
"Another Upon Her Weeping"
"Ceremonies of Candlemas Eve"
"Ceremony Upon Candlemas Eve"
"Her Legs"
"The Ceremonies for Candlemas Day"
"The Rainbow, Or Curious Covenant"
"The Vine"
"Upon Julia's Breasts"
"Upon Julia's Breath"
Robert Southwell
"A Child My Choice"
"Life is but Loss"
"Love's Servile Lot"
"Man's Civil War"
"Scorn Not the Least"
"The Epiphany"
Roy Campbell
"Love in a Hut"
Rudyard Kipling
"A Charm"
"Blue Roses"
"The Gods of the Copybook Headings"
"The Vampire"
"When 'Omer Smote His Bloomin' Lyre"
Ruth Pitter
"Time's Fool"
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
"Apologia pro Vita Sua"
"Drinking versus Thinking"
"God's Omnipresence"
"Human Life"
"Inscription for a Fount"
Stephen Crane
"The Wayfarer"
"The Excellence of Bards"
Thérèse of Lisieux
"My Song for Today"
"To Scatter Flowers" (tr. by S. L. Emery)
Thomas Aquinas
"Adoro Te Devote"
"Pange Lingua"
Thomas Earnest Hulme
"The Embankment"
Thomas Ken
"Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun"
Thomas Lovell Beddoes
Thomas Love Peacock
"The Flower of Love"
Thomas Merton
"Duns Scotus"
Thomas Stearns Eliot
"The Hippopotamus"
Thomas Traherne
"On Leaping Over the Moon"
Thomas Wilson
"A brief declaration in meter, of the vii liberal artes, wherin Logique is comprehended as one of them"
Thomas Wyatt
"My galley, chargèd with forgetfulness"
"Epître sur Les Trois Imposteurs"
William Blake
William Butler Yeats
"The Wild Swans at Coole"
William Cowper
"Sonnet to William Wilberforce, Esq."
"The Castaway"
William McGonagall
"The Tay Bridge Disaster"
William Morris
"Mine and Thine"
"The Day of Days"
William Wordsworth
"Even as a Dragon's Eye that Feels the Stress"
"Surprised by Joy--Impatient as the Wind"
Wystan Hugh Auden
"Friday's Child"
"The Romantic"
"The Shield of Achilles"
"The Unknown Citizen"