* Ernesto Priani, Ramon Llull, at the SEP
* Kevin J. Harrelson, Richard T. Greener and the Abolitionist Moment in American Philosophy, at "Blog of the APA"
* Carlos Cortissoz, Souls Within a Soul: The City-Soul Analogy Revisited (PDF)
* Edmund Stewart, The First Universities? Ancient Greek Philosophical Schools, at "Antigone"
* Doug Campbell, Why did the ancient Greeks avoid human dissection?, at "Plato's Fish-Trap: Ancient Natural Philosophy"
* Colin Chamberlain, How to Eat a Peach: Malebranche on the Function of the Passions (PDF)
* Brendan Hodge, Is Easter actually 'late' this year?, at "The Pillar"
* Francesca Mezzenza & Gabriel Scheidecker, Hegemony and Childcare, at "Aeon"
* Marshall Bierson, Understanding Anscombe's Absolutism (PDF)
* Andreas Wimmer, Seungwon Lee, and Jack LaViolette, The Spread of Romantic Nationalism across Europe: A Case of Ideational Diffusion, at "Broadstreet"
* Theresa Tallien, What Was Courtship?
* T. Parker Haratine, Augustine on memory, the mind, and human flourishing (PDF)
* Ryan Burge, The Truth Isn't Out There: Religion and Belief in Aliens, at "Graphs About Religion"