Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Two Redrafted Poems

A re-working of an older poem draft and another. They each have to do with a famous conversion.

Loyola at Llobregar

I sit on the river-bank;
the water runs past,
the mind runs past,
a path ever-moving.
It courses over stones,
overflowing matter,
dividing as a unity,
drawn in one direction
(its natural place beckons),
rushing like music
to divine consummation;
the mind now prepared
by ten thousand disciplines
flows with the river
to the ocean of God.

Lull upon the Mountain

Like lightning in the storm
where the bolts of God rain down
was the conversion of the wheels,
the wheels within the wheels,
the Principles of All
in never-ceasing orbit!

The lights were strangely shining
in the fallen mountain-darkness
when Raymond saw the wheels,
the wheels within the wheels,
the glory of the signs
in ever-turning circles!

Peace pours out like oceans,
tumbling in the darkness;
Ophanim move in glory,
the wheels within the wheels,
the throne of God descending
as a chariot of fire!