Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Perfectius, Sublimius, Utilius, et Iucundius

The Thomist at "Just Thomism" has a post that includes a translation of one of my favorite passages from Thomas Aquinas (although there are so many to choose from!), which is found in the Summa Contra Gentiles (ch. 2):

Of all human pursuits, the pursuit of wisdom is the more perfect, the more sublime, the more useful, and the more sweet. The more perfect, because in so far as a man gives himself up to the pursuit of wisdom, to that extent he enjoys already some portion of true happiness. Blessed is the man that shall dwell in wisdom (Ecclus xiv, 22). The more sublime, because thereby man comes closest to the likeness of God, who hath made all things in wisdom (Ps. ciii, 24). The more useful, because by this same wisdom we arrive at the realm of immortality. The desire of wisdom shall lead to an everlasting kingdom (Wisd. vi, 21). The more sweet, because her conversation hath no bitterness, nor her company any weariness, but gladness and joy (Wisd. viii, 16).

I'll be out of town the next few days, so posting might be light.
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