Friday, June 20, 2008

Links for Thinking

* Sharon Howard has reposted her classic post, Women’s history/gender history: what and why?

* Mike Liccione continues his musings on the Filioque; I think this is his best post on the subject so far.

* Dale Tuggy is discussing tactics people use to deal with apparent inconsistencies. So far he has: Part I, Part II

* D. G. D. Davidson examines the flaws and limitations of Sheldonism as a Christian approach to literature -- Sheldonism being that approach found in the works of Charles Sheldon (best known for In His Steps).

* The Thomist considers oversimplifications of the doctrine of the mean.

* Jason Kuznicki looks at Hegel on the State.

* Kevin Edgecomb discusses The Way of a Pilgrim and the Philokalia.

* Bonnie at Intellectuelle considers a quote from Simone de Beauvoir.

* Jane Austen's Evening Prayers.

And since I previously quoted from MacIntyre's discussion of Austen's view of the virtues, it is perhaps worth reminding ourselves that she had a sense of humor about them.

* The Seven Deadly Sins in Dante, Langland, Chaucer, and Spenser. The Seven Deadly Sins, of course, are (strictly speaking) the acts of the Seven Capital Vices, although the former phrase often covers the latter as well. Some lovely pictures of medieval trees of virtues and vices (discussion in PDF of this genre).

I recently discussed remedy in traditional virtue ethics with my ethics class; and it occurred to me that this is an important feature of traditional virtue ethics that receives relatively little discussion in modern virtue ethics. There are some exceptions, especially in more historically aware explorations of themes in virtue ethics; e.g., some of Rebecca Konyndyk De Young's work.

* N. T. Wright and Richard John Neuhaus argue.


* I only just came across this, although it is a bit old by now. Under Harper the Canadian government took a step it should have taken decades ago: the Prime Minister apologizes to Canada's aboriginal nations for mismanagement of Indian residential schools. Now it needs to take that momentum and convert it into practical action.
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