Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Poem Draft

You can read Bartolomé Blanco Márquez's actual last letter online.

Bartolomé Blanco Márquez Writes His Last Letter

Tomorrow I die, and a line of grim men
will shoot bullets in me till I fall;
but my life has been good, and I thank you for that,
and I thank my Lord God above all.
I will remember you to the dark, silent grave,
and love you with all of my heart;
lovers who love in the glory of God
become of each other a part.
Fear not, dear Maruja, my darling, my love;
I see death, and I am not afraid.
Remember, Maruja, my dear and my dove,
and recall me in life's wandering way;
take thought to your soul, my lady and love,
that in heaven we may meet again,
and love in the way God meant us to love,
forever in life without end.
M ↓   Markdown