Primrose Tufts and Daffodils
The Shepherd's Calendar
by Anna Maria Porter
When primrose tufts and daffodils,
Smell sweetly from the breezy hills;
When nightingales do softly sing,
O then we learn the time is spring!
When trees are leafy, roses blown;
When fragrant hay is gaily mown;
When cuckoos shout, and wild-bees hum,
'Tis then we know that summer's come!
When golden grain is gathered all;
When mellowed pears and apples fall;
When hooting owls at night we hear,
Joyous we say, the autumn's near!
When trees are bare, and streams are still;
When cheerful fires the chimnies fill;
When redbreasts join our social meal,
Ah then! cold winter's breath we feel!