From his "Litany for the Transfiguration":
Treasure beyond measure and beyond description,
indefinable union of the Holy Trinity:
the Father, unattainable in thought, without beginning and Creator God;
light of light, consubstantial Son, born of the Father before anything,
eternally inseparable and undividable from the paternal bosom,
the same in equality and unity, indubitable and immutable nature;
in honor equal to the Father and the Son, sharing in their glory, Holy Spirit,
who proceeds from the Father and fills every creature
and is worshiped and praised with the Father and the Son, inexpressible in essence,
unseen by the seraphim and incomprehensible by the cherubim,
unattainbale in thought, higher than anything.
O immortal King, unfathomable by authorities and principalities:
Please accept the supplications and entreaties of your ransomed people,
as it pleases you, we pray.
[St. Gregory of Narek, The Festal Works of St. Gregory of Narek, Terian, ed. and tr., Liturgical Press (Collegeville, MN: 2106) p. 131. This is a very good work, with a great deal of interesting material.]