Friday, June 28, 2019

Dashed Off XIII

possibility as transcendental: being + exclusion of contradiction (//unity as being +exclusion of division)

"The principle of contradiction is simply the *possibility* of thought." Rosmini

problem of external world & problem of substance ('There is at least one substance other than ourselves')

pointillistic vs integrative approaches to alsmgiving

A sensible quality is just an expressiveness to sense.

"Der philosophische Grundbegriff is die Ursache." Godel (Phil XIV)
- he suggests the possibility that other Kantian categories could be defined in terms of causality

Meaningfulness of life is goodness suitable to a being with the capacity of forming and finding meaning, i.e., of a rational being.

causal positing, narrative (integrated ordering of causal events), causal web (integrated system of narratives)

We have three duties to the Church as Mother: gratitude, submission, restitutional support.

the principle of salvage in the Church's relations with secular cultures

"Immorality which does not infringe the title of right, does not destroy right." Rosmini

1 Clement 46:7-9 clearly envisions the possibility of the elect falling away.

the Paternoster & apprenticeship in prayer

forms of consent
(1) bare consent
(2) verbal promise
(3) written (archivable) promise
(4) actual consignment

It's worth considering whether Hume got the idea for his account of causation by considering promises/contracts (rather than by going in the opposite direction).

'Time' is clearly used to indicate a measure, so *if* we apply it to a particular objective something that is not a measure, the two cannot be univocal.

Rosmini's basing right on consciousness (sense) of a loss of good seems to be a flaw in his approach.

contracts acknowledging debts vs contracts establishing debts

effective vs pollicitative promises

The just price is the price that arises by fair and reasoned negotiation with regard to what is good for both the buyer and the seller.

Testaments are of natural right because
(1) they are often needed to complete a duty of the parent
(2) observing them is an expression of respect for persons
(3) they are often needed for the common good of the family itself.

In factional politics, all political discourse converges on the political cartoon.

"Bacon did not invent a method, and only said words." Maistre

Analyzing a mind would require a multiform analysis: AI proponents, thinking of computers, recognize the temporal-procedural analysis of the computer program, and the integration with a more physical-logical or hardware analysis a la robotics, but this is hardly adequate. There is to mind an optative-counterfactual aspect, and a deontic-axiological, or ethical, aspect, and something more elusive, the unification into personal understanding, whose analysis we do not have much of an idea how even to begin.

shift, trend, and cycle in philosophical influence

Coherentism requires a teleology beyond the tendency to coherence -- i.e., it requires coherence for some end(s).

international politics as an interaction among hegemonic powers, preservative powers(usually dwindling major powers trying to keep the hegemon(s) from revising the order of things in a way contrary to their issues), and revisionary powers (usually economically and militarily rising powers trying to revise the order of things so as to favor themselves rather than alliances of hegemon and preservative powers)

before and after with respect to boundaries; before and after with respect to cycles

Teaching progresses not through methods or systems but through trying to prevent misunderstandings previous students have had.

Experimental replication has a fiduciary aspect -- it can matter if you trust the replicatees enough to take seriously that replication failure may be due to a failure of communication -- something subtle but important being left out. This can be crucial in any cases, but is especially so when the experiment is good but there is some kind of uncaught error in the communication of the methods and results. One has to be able to trust that people are not being dishonest or stupid, at least enough to make it worthwhile to ask, 'Why did they get the wrong result, given that they apparently did the right things?'

Many of the more obvious candidates for success in Bayesian models of reasoning have more to do with similarity than with probability.

ontological argument moved in an objective direction: exemplar-causal argument
ontological argument moved in a rigorous (necessity) subjective direction: regulative argument
ontological argument moved in a looser (possibility) subjective direction: heuristic argument

Every alethic argument can be subjectivized into a regulative or heuristic argument.

abstract HoP & possibilities given directional modifications

Every usually-useful heuristic claim serves as 'loose evidence' for the objectivized counterpart, i.e., is evidence for the truth at least falling within a logical family of positions, of which the objectivized claim is the defining member, is evidence for the-objectivized-claim-or-something-functionally-equivalent.

Every regulative argument can be weakened into a heuristic argument.

abstract HoP = structural-functional analogies + positional combinatorics + directional modification analysis

Tendency in arguments over time seems to be from arguments with more committal to arguments with less committal, where there is no countervailing cause.

the optative disposition of an argument

biography as an interpretive aid for arguments

the influence of available language on the development of argument

necrophilia, pedophilia, incest, bestiality as desecrations

marks of humanitarian traditions
(1) traditional, with notes of tradition (symbolisms passed down, apprenticeship elements, teaching by exemplar and precedent)
(2) internal morality concerning the practice and participation itself; in professions often articulated by codes of ethics
(3) deferential responsibilities to a class of people benefited (sometimes expressed in expectations of pro bono work or charitable elements in the work itself)
(4) benefits concern human dignity or worth, explicitly and inherently

"Princes and republics who wish to maintain themselves free from corruption must above all things preserve the purity of all religious observances, and treat them with proper reverence; for there is no greater indication of the ruin of a country than to see religion contemned." Machiavelli

" man cannot live long enough to have time to bring a people back to good habits which for any length of time has indulged in evil ones." Machiavelli

that right than which no greater right can be conceived

The modal ontological argument seems a stronger argument against polytheism than against atheism.

intrinsic vs extrinsic title to war

"...the concept of freedom does not exist if completely deprived of all ownership." Rosmini

Not to attempt at least a token satisfaction when forgiven a real offense is a further offense.

"Titles are those factual conditions in which the application of law takes place." Rosmini

monumental commemoration and the principle of honours of war (valor and nobility in opponents must be recognized lest the failure to do so cheapen one's commemoration of one's own)
- refusal to render commemorative honours of war is often a mark of deliberately manipulative propaganda

the laborer's right: none may deprive him of that which he needs for basic livelihood

"Everyone must use his rights in the least burdensome way possible towards his fellows." Rosmini

sympathy for humanity as society as a 'vestige and outline of theocratic society'

Rights are inalienable insofar as, and in the way, they are closely connected to personhood, which is subsistent right.

Parenthood in every society is a partly jural notion.

The sacramental hierarchy provides a resistance against political manipulation.

Much of the attack on natural ends in moral reasoning is indistinguishable from attack on embodiment; it treats the practical reasoning of morality as abstracted from our nature as corporeal reasoners.

In the end one wants not a liberal society but a free and honest people, and a liberal society gets its value only to the extent it contributes to the latter. But it is a common sin among liberalisms to conflate them, which is a conflation of means and end.

"Sovereignty is a school of wisdom and virtue." Rosmini

inherited human dignity (the dignity of prior relations, to God, to other human beings, by receiving human nature) vs vested human dignity (the dignity of actions and character consequent to this)

Paul's allusion to Epimenides in the Areopagus speech strongly suggests a recognition of genuine divine miracles among the pagan Greeks.

the connatural rights of the Church: existence, recognition, freedom, propagation, ownership

The child's right to parental protection can extend even beyond death; for the child has a right to someone acting qua parent in the appropriate disposition of physical remains.

There are forms of physical distress that are not painful, and it seems clear that some of these are more serious than most pains.

The essential parts of the Anglican patrimony are:
(1) linguistic, in the form of a sacral language in interaction with the Book of Common Prayer;
(2) scholarly, particularly in the form of an extensive heritage of patristics work;
(3) the clerisy tradition
(4) fragments of pre-Henricean traditions and practices.

the importance of hardening oneself to tedium