Thursday, March 04, 2021


* Josiah Neeley, The Texas Blackout Blame Game

* Jessica Hooten Wilson, Misdirected Passion, discusses Sigrid Undset's Kristin Lavransdatter

* Elizabeth Jackson, Faithfully Taking Pascal's Wager (PDF)

* Charles Goldhaber, The Humors in Hume's Skepticism (PDF)

* Monte Johnson, Why did Aristotle invent the material cause? (PDF)

* John Dyck, Spatial Music (PDF)

* Pat Smith, The Moral Rule Against Retroactivity

* Danté Stewart, Witnesses to the Miracle of Blackness

* Mary Astell is Oxford University Press's Philosopher of the Month for March

* Philippe Lemoine, The Case Against Lockdowns

* Patrick J. Deneen reviews Michael J. Sandel's The Tyranny of Merit

* Hailey Branson-Potts, 'Whoa! What's happening? Horny toads are disappearing. Can they be saved?' The Texas horned lizard, occasionally known as the horned frog and most often known by the name 'horny toad' is a truly remarkable animal, and probably rivals the armadillo in popularity. (The horny toad is the Texas state lizard.) Alas, as with the armadillo, urbanization is very bad for it. And the horny toad has the additional problem that it's a small creature with purely passive defenses -- it has its spiky skin and it puffs up when cornered in order to look bigger (hence its folk association with frogs and toads). They also have the misfortune of the having harvester ants as their primary food -- historically that has been a safe bet for a food source, but the invasion of fire ants from the south has ended up being a problem, because fire ants aggressively destroy other ant colonies. They are such a sweet and harmless animal, the very best of all lizards; I hope the breeding programs work to help stabilize some of the declining populations.

Federal horned toad pic crop.jpg
By Steve Hillebrand/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Public Domain, Link