Friday, April 16, 2021

Dashed Off VIII

This begins the notebook begun February 2020.

 Mary is "the theme of the prophets, the first of the apostles, the support of the martyrs, the dais of the teachers." (Palamas)

Understanding is the foundation of relevance.

It takes a lot of organization to sustain an anarchy.

"The interpretant is evidently the Divine Logos or word, and if our former guess that a Reference to an interpretant is Paternity be right, this would be the Son of God. The ground, being that partaking of which is requisite to any communication with the Symbol, corresponds in its function to the Holy Spirit." Peirce (CE: I, 503)

Charity makes us members of a superintelligible world, a mystery of mysteries.

sacrament as reditus
(epistrophe, reditus, reversio)

the exitus & reditus of doctrine (development as part of reditus)

socially significant acts → associated sign-acts
e.g., acts of compassion spawn sign-acts like ritual expression of compassion, get well cards, etc.
e.g., acts of thankfulness spawn sign-acts like thanking expressions, thank you notes, etc.
These sign-acts communicate the primary acts, serve as placeholders and abbreviations for them, and keep their social importance salient. They also create a danger for hypocritical (lying) use.
-- They also clarify to others ranges of expected responses, facilitating social interaction. (It is in part this that also incentivizes hypocritical use for the purposes of manipulation.)

relying on someone because
(1) you trust them
(2) you owe them
(3) you have a shared incentive with them
(4) you and they are under a stabilizing authority to compensate for failings and lapses
(5) it is unavoidable
(6) you trust someone who vouches for them
(7) you owe or share incentive with someone who needs you to rely on them
(8) it is a matter in which people can be generally rusted and there is no reason not to do so in this particular case

The Greek ekklesia could quite literally be translated as 'congress'.

the messianic equability

Citizenship is a form or modality of legal personhood.

If right and wrong were matters of consent or contract, every generation would have to be won over anew on everything to do with right and wrong.

When people say 'invisible church', substitute 'incorporation into the Church mentaliter'; when people say 'visible church', substitute 'incorporation into the Church corporaliter'.

Mentaliter incorporation and corporaliter incorporation are linked semiotically, expressively, morally, and jurally. They are not related by a polarity by a synergy.

function notation and the directionality of thinking
A danger of function notation is loss of the distinction between overlap and correlation.

interpretive argument ex contextu, ex parallelis locis

Teaching is both visible and invisible.

Liturgy is grace activating human potential for being and acting.

Tradition always involves creative choices about how to hand things down.

A living language requires links to music and dance.

pan-Celticism as an anti-imperial aesthetic

The rise of psychoanalysis was made possible because the educated classes were invested in having an excuse to ignore or change what they wanted to ignore or change.

Logical positivism largely worked by giving a nimbus of 'scientificness' to methods and means that were actually just based on redefinitions and logical fictions. This is not to say that logical positivists had no interesting ideas -- if you invest a lot into systems constructed according to these or those arbitrary desiderata, you learn a lot about particular kinds of logical systems, and some of their arguments are interesting for other reasons. But Kantianism (for instance) contributed infinitely ore to real scientific discovery and explanation than logical positivism ever did or even could have. A lot of logical positivism was just science fiction.

'Ecclesiology', 'soteriology', 'Mariology', etc., while convenient curricular devices, are only curricular devices; they are not intrinsic to the structure of theology.

The Church is one holy, catholic, and apostolic in its efficient cause, in its final cause, in its formal cause, and in its material cause.
"They will be made holy who observe holy things in holiness." Wis 6:10

(1) Each of the Notes of the Church has an intensive and an extensive aspect.
(2) Each of the Notes has a reflection of the other three -- e.g., not only is there unity proper, but an aspect of this that directly regards catholicity and an aspect that directly regards apostolicity.
(3) Each Note is found in each of the four causes of the Church.
(4) Each Note enfolds its apparent complement -- i.e., the One Church is expressed in diverse churches, the Catholic Church in the local, the Holy Church in the mundane, the Apostolic Church in the present cultural.

The utility of a proposal about things presupposes questions of what it would be for it to be true or false (at least broadly speaking); the optative depends on the assertive.

surrealism and the technique of startling juxtaposition within a unifying frame

Every sacrament is an act of tradition; the minister hands down to the recipient a gift given from Christ through the Apostles so as to preserve or continue it as gift. Thus for each we may identify (1) a personal relation of handing down, (2) a real gift, the sacrament proper, (3) a formal structure of continuation, and (4) an end, that it may be received for grace.

the pope as font of collegiality

In logic there are only morals.

Canon is an inevitably byproduct of teaching.

constancy, coherence, and readiness to appear as structuring experimentation

traditional identity // personal identity
commemorative accounts of t.i. // memory accounts of p.i.

Predestination is the exemplar ordering of the rational creature to union with God as its end; it works by vocation and magnification (justification) and its effects are grace and glory.

love → election → predestination

"predestination is the preparation for grace, while grace is the donation itself." Augutine (De Pred. 1.19)

Augustine (De pred 1.27): The Book of Wisdom should not be repudiated because it is part of the lectoral ministry of the Church.
Augustine (1.28): The Book of Wisdom should be preferred above all commentators because illustrious early commentators preferred it to themselves.

They who reject original sin out of hand underestimate the reality of human community.

The Lord's Prayer as the structure of perseverance (cp. Augustine on Cyprian on the prayer)

preaching as an instrument of predestination

The evidence of 'grammatical evidentiality' suggests that witness, report, inference are basic categories and that firsthand, secondhand, etc., as well as sensory modality, are all intuitively recognizable as evidentially relevant.

'very true' as modal operator
between Box and True; not very true implies not necessary; etc.

question as weakening imperative to precative

must be → should be → might be → may be/could be

mirativity as an aesthetic category
Descartes relates mirativity to novelty (nous le jugeons être nouveau, Passions 2.53; cp 2.72) and difference from expectation (ou fort différent de ce que nous connaissions aupararant, ou bien de ce que nous supposons qu'il devait être) and he takes it to lead naturally either to esteem or contempt (l'estime et le mépris, 2.54) according to the greatness (grandeur) or smallness (petitesse) of the object. When the mirative is ourselves, this esteem or contempt is pride or humility (2.54) and when itis a free cause veneration or disdain (2.55). All of these are distinct from any evaluation of good or bad (2.56).
L'admiration est une subite surprise de l'ame, qui fait qu'elle se porte à considérer avec attention les objets qui lui semblent rares et extraordinaires."(2.70)
Astonishment is excess of admiration that disrupts it so one does not learn more (2.73).
Admiration causes us to apprehend and retain in memory things of which we were previously ignorant (2.75); it disposes us to pursue knowledge but can impede it (2.76, 77, 78).
mirativity and disanology, disconstancy, discoherence, unreadiness to appear

Our sense of fairness is an aesthetic sense.

Socratic method is occasional by its very nature.

Note that Malebranche takes Jesus to be sole occasional cause of inner grace; others may solicit His action, and be an occasional cause of miracles (possibly for saints, definitely for angels).

murder simple ballads: from passion, from greed, from vengeance

kinds of drinking song
(1) vocative: "Jose Cuervo"
(2) narrative: "Lish Young Buy-a-Broom", "Friends in Low Places", "Bubbles in My Beer"
(3) plaintive: "Nancy Whiskey", "80 Proof Bottle of Tear-Stopper", "Margaritaville"
(4) defensive?
drink-focused vs effect-focused
df: "Nancy Whiskey", "I Like Beer", "99 Bottles of Beer", "Jose Cuervo"
ef: "Margaritaville" "Lish Young Buy-a-Broom"
songs about drink vs songs about being drunk
-- obv. one can't just include every song mentioning alcohol; some further specification is necessary

monuments of personal identity
(1) written documents
(2) souvenirs of events
(3) mundane physical appurtenances
(4) external testimonial

the body as organ of personal identity