Saturday, April 03, 2021

Links Noted

I've decided to add another week to reading Kristin Lavransdatter; there were just too many things to work around, and I didn't want to do the rushing I'd have to do to finish it by today. I mean, it's three fair-sized books in a single volume, so I'm not going to apologize as if it were any kind of failure, but this will end up being a four-week 'fortnight'. But I'll have it done next Saturday.

* Gracy Olmstead on American farming communities 

* Amy Olberding, Nod Line

* Brendan Hodge, The pandemic and the collection plate ; What kept pandemic giving going -- and what stopped it?

* Guglielmo Verdirame, Rescuing Human Rights from Proportionality (PDF)

* Robert De La Noval, Sin for Its Own Sake? The Theft of the Pears and the Divine Image in Augustine's Confessions

* M. Folescu, Mary Shepherd on the role of proofs in our knowledge of first principles (PDF); I saw a version of this paper presented at an online conference last year, and it's a quite decent discussion.

* Branko Milanovic reviews Yang Jisheng's The World Turned Upside Down, about the Cultural Revolution in China

* Samuel Kronen, Thomas Sowell: Tragic Optimist

* Matt McKeown, Bunyan: Mapmaker of the Soul

* Carlo Rovelli, The Fisherman's Mistake (PDF), argues that a number of supposed conflicts between science and other parts of human life are actually based on a particular kind of error.

* David Kortova, Lost in Thought, looks at the possible psychological risks of meditation practices. Anyone who looks at traditional discussions of meditation in Asian philosophy and the like will note that a number of risks mentioned are quite familiar -- you find people warning novices off from practices precisely to avoid problems like them. Almost everywhere meditation practices are deeply explored, you find them recognized as valuable but also dangerous and not to be done lightly -- except in American culture and other Western cultures dominated by it, where it is treated as an easy lifestyle hack. This is a metaphor for something.

* Natalia Antonova shows why you should probably not post pictures online of yourself outside your home.

* Giacomo Giannini and Stephen Mumford, Formal Causes for Powers Theorists (PDF)

* John Gallagher, How to learn a language (and stick at it)