Friday, May 14, 2021

Dashed Off X

"printing is infinity" Mallarmé

Every nation is a union of a commercial network and a network of ties of honor.

Every novum needs a cause.

Elections cannot see people but only the legally constructed status 'eligible voters', which can can stand in for persons for some practical purposes but not for all.

three components of gloria: the love, the trust, the admiration of the many (Cicero)
-- love is won through benefaction, trust through honesty and justice, admiration through ability or goodness out of the ordinary

fruit of the poisonous tree in fraudulent scholarship

Teaching style is an interaction of teacher habits, student habits, content, and larger teaching context.

"I saw in Christ that the Father is." Julian of Norwich

Enlightened self-interest is only as good as the enlightening that goes into it.

"when a tyrant arises, the position of popular leader is the sole root from which he springs." Plato

Analytic philosophy is an aesthetic approach to argument. When analytic philosophers explain what they are doing, they virtually always use aesthetic concepts to do so.

"The sorrow of the natural life is essentially connected with the greatness of the character and destiny of man." Hegel

As paradisial in its roots, marriage looks forward to eucharist, which is heavenly in its culmination.

conscientious objection : conscience :: peaceable protest : public opinion

A professional ethics without regard for self-respect is not a *professional* ethics.

Part of professionalism is establishing standard patterns of interactions with other professionals.

Professions tend to develop conventional and 'holistic' approaches, although this usually just ends up being a difference of emphasis that occasionally manifests itself in minor spats and historically developed accoutrements. (A very obvious case, more obvious than usual, is the distinction between the mostly-but-not-quite equivalent MD and DO in the United States.)

Much of contemporary medical ethics errs by treating what should be a minimal emergency framework as normal ethical practice.

the Confucian shoots as ways reason expresses itself socially

the twofold Motherhood of Christ (Julian)
(1) in kind in our substantial making
(2) of mercy in taking our sensual nature

"As verily as God is our Father, as verily is God our Mother." Julian
"The mother's service is nearest, readiest, and surest. Nearest for it is most of kind, readiest for it is most of love, and securest for it is most of truth."
"To the property of motherhood belongs kind love, wisdom, and knowing: and it is God."

The ordinances of the Church exist to teach us to hate sin and seek repentance.

spiritual communion // baptism of desire

Inculturation is one of the Church's defenses against the spread of heresy, by letting different cultural versions provide checks on each other. It requires a mean between phyletism and anti-inculturation.

docetism of the text: treating the text as floating free of an interpretive context

beliefs as the meanings of our actions

We participate in our humanity biologically, psychologically, and sociologically.

"Remember that education is a difficult art and that God alone is its true master." John Bosco

Miming is an important part of language use.

the mirable vs the mirandum

Empiricism confuses the thing qua sensible with the sensible qua sensible.

Reason must be handed down by first tradition (human nature) and by second tradition (education).

Rational fiction is sometimes a stronger spearhead against lies than straight truth.

world, flesh, & devil as organizing the three kinds of heretical vector

tempting as a perversion of teaching

probability as proportionate weighting of O and I propositions
probability as proportionate weighting of Diamond and Diamond-Not propositions

modes of the dreadful: intrusive, liminal, ambiguous

five constant virtues as subjective parts of prudence?

The world bribes our consent, which is why it pushes to make everything about consent.

Nothing can be a potential person but an actual person. Obviously, something can be potentially a component for or contributor to a person, but a potential person is an actual person qua potential.

the surgent aspect of philosophy: inquiry, reaching out beyond what is known

It is difficult to avoid the impression that all of the different 'theories of the firm' are simply describing different kinds of firm.

observation learning → experiment-learning → counterfactual-learning

The modern nation-state has made perpetual semi-war easier.

sephiroth: the infinite in meaning articulates into revelatory language

The infused moral virtues are like flickerings that will be purified into ardent flame.

Scotus's discussion of infused moral virtues is uncharacteristically muddled, treating infused moral virtues as if they would just be modified acquired virtues (and thus, assuming that, he is right that the theological virtues suffice for this). But this is because Scotus loses the society-relevant aspect of virtue, and therefore the distinction between virtue in natural human society and virtue in the Kingdom of God.

cliental privilege
(1) from regard to reputation
(2) from mutual faithfulness
(3) from reasonable promise, even if implicit
(4) from usefulness to society

Every kind of progress occurs within a tradition.

"The West is not simply a fixed stance of institutions and achievements that could be passed on unchanged. The West is an historical *design* which, under constantly changing conditions, has to be converted, ever anew, into an historical reality." Pieper

All ideas are whirlwinds.

No 'theory of atonement' is adequate unless it also accounts for the sacrifices of the old covenant.

Grafton's symbolic reading of the six days
"The Revelation of creation is a parable."
(1) Paradisiac day (light and darkness) humanity in innocence, knowledge of good and evil
(2) Antediluvian day / Natural day
(3) Patriarchal
(4) Mosaic Day (light organized into an institution)
(5) Christian Day (Incarnation, new Adam)
(6) Day of Paraclete
-- each day ends with crisis until the last.

Grafton takes Samson's strength, David's weapons against Goliath, and Elijah's Mantle as foreshadowings of Confirmation.

'Give us this day' -- Eucharist & Orders
'And forgive' -- Baptism & Absolution
'And lead us not' -- Confirmation & Matrimony
'Deliver us' -- Unction

Shenouda III, in his lectures on the Nature of Christ, treats 'one nature' as having the same function as the Chalcedonian 'one person', and his analogy for 'one will' is the unity of the wills of saints with the Will of God.

An adequate system of thought must work both abstractly and symbolically.

Property, as such, is a means. The mode of the means is determined by what is appropriate to the end, and the rights involved in property shift according to the ends constituting it as property.

body as inalienable property
body as the self property-making

'Right to exclude' is a byproduct of the purpose of consumption and assumes that the owner is not a ward.

A theory of property must (1) explain why property brings a responsibility-for and (2) account for property as a good.

Property is not primarily a right but a responsibility, the importance of which is the basis for rights.

velocity as an approximation to bilocation; acceleration as improvement of this approximation

Actual being (existence) is pure, present, and diffusive; thus light is an apt metaphor for it.

compassion as a metaphor for diffusiveness

'kami' should be seen as a functional term

NB that salt is associated with purification in Shinto

Christ as the torii of heaven

set theory as a general translation device rather than a mathematical foundations

"God has two ways in which he ordains the powers of the world -- direct and indirect; direct by revealed interposition, indirect by divine providence." Manning

Truthmaker principles, insofar as they are defensible, are explications of the truth that truth is an attribute of being.

manifestation : act :: intelligibility : potency

Human personality is an end in itself, and never *merely* a means, but it is also *always* a means to that which is both an end in itself and never to be used as a means at all.