Friday, August 06, 2021

Dashed Off XVII

 naive acceptance -> reaction and criticism -> rational conviction
-- the same ideas have different aspects in these three different atmospheres

Reasons concern the man who believes already as well as the man coming to believe.

interpretant as grasp on sign, sign-registering

Chance as well as proper causation are in the divine cause eminenter.

Love by its nature classifies, that things may be loved well.

Understanding is represented in decompression as well as compression of information.

"Any proposition whatever concerning the order of Nature must touch more or less upon religion." Peirce

Testing presupposes classification. (cp Peirce)

Everything pride touches, it destroys and replaces.

potential-to-be-bounded as a prerequisite for experimental phenomena

the experimentable

To have an experiment, you need a manipulable boundable changeable.

seven individual notes forma, figura, locus, tempus, stirps, patria, nomen

subsemiotic communication

divine title of creation, divine title of long possession, divine title of current possession, divine title of covenant
--divine title to sovereignty does not require conquest but unconquerable possession should perhaps be included
-- the Incarnation makes possible a divine title of succession that would otherwise no be possible

Much propaganda is concerned not with persuading but with overwhelming.

restaurant ambiences: bistroesque, cafe-like, formal, fast service, dive-ish, publike, cafeteria-like, picnic-like
-- ambience as an architecture of experienceables

the patience of just rule

the 'vegetative' processes of the Church: conversion, natural increase, ordinary tradition
the 'animative' processes of the Church: general prayer, charitable works
the 'rational' processes of the Church: preaching/proclamation, sacramental union

kinds of messaging: proclamation, representation, exemplification, evocation, vicinity


usury + promiscuous wage contract practices + general living by credit + entertainment-style advertising
non-usurious lending practices + just wage contract practices + generalized ownership of means of production + communal sponsorship

end : major premise :: means : minor premise

Denying the distinction between killing and letting die seems to require assuming that 'doing' is always univocal.

starting points: experience, [testimony, sign], concept, prior arguments
means of extension: combination (of starting points), analogy, implication
scaffolding: literal calculi, diagrams, illustrations & examples

A true liberation theology would have to put virtue at its center, with the politics and economics subservient to this; there is no genuine liberation except that which involves virtue, that supports virtue, that reaches up to God through virtue.

Christ sends a sword (Mt 10:34), but the sword does not exist for its own sake; it is the dividing of those who confess Christ and those who do not.

ptochos, the poor, means the beggarly (literally or figuratively); the root idea is laid-low-ness, prostrateness, thus reduced or cast down to begging
-- Lk 4:18, 7:22 give the guide for understanding; cf. also Lk 14:13, Rv 3:17

the Church as the sacrament of history (Gutierrez)

human tradition as the extension of the self-traditionary being of human existence

Being is the all-touching concept; all others resolve into it in some way; but this must not be confused with bare indeterminacy.

civil appropriations of humanitarian traditions

notebooks as fragment-encyclopedias

Conscience is essential to the nature of a home.

The home is one of the venues in which we stand as responsible beings.

A family is traditionary, by nature, handing itself down to itself.

the [public interest - underdog victim - nonviolent means] pattern of activism

'wokism' as anti-dialectical idealism

Formal interrogations are always designed more to express authority than to elicit information.

Human tradition cannot be understood in a way abstracted from ethics; responsibility and conscience are contributing factors that structure it. It is not a method but an interpersonal relationship.

The wrong of racism lies in its corruption of civic friendship.

situs : intrinsic :: habitus : extrinsic
(cp. Barnes's 'self-having' and 'self-having with otherwhat')

the good as that by which one can recognize the connection between being and the true

A very large amount of philosophical work consists of fine-tuning vocabulary in order to capture what is really meant.

Fighting error requires an appropriate infrastructure.

Any stable ethics implies a stable human nature.

"The members of mankind share the same basic rights and duties, as well as the same supernatural destiny. Within a country which belongs to each one, all should be equal before the law, find equal admittance to economic, cultural, civic and social life, and benefit from a fair sharing of the nation's riches." Paul VI

Mobs and tyrants both work in arbitrary ways precisely so as to be arbitrary, to show that they can.

the checklist as a fundamental technology

stage magic as attention-focus management

Karma is a naturally aristocratic way of thinking about morality.

Your righteousness is never as righteous as it feels.

the honest mistake as a central concept for justice

World-building is an inherently fragmentary expression of imagination.

logical systems as constructed by parity and a fortiori

There is no such thing as hairsplitting or nitpicking except relative to an end.

Work with dignity requires a basic friendliness and a basic ceremonious or politeness; these are its two most basic safeguards, on which all others can be built.

the principle for things cognized with certainty through experience or by the senses ut nunc (Scotus): What frequently comes from something not free has that as its per se natural cause. / What in the majority of cases comes about by a cause that is not free is a natural effect of that cause.
-- in effect, one uses this by ruling out that the cause is free or chance.

"The uncreated light is the first principle in the domain of theoretical things and the ultimate goal in the domain of practical things." Scotus

There is a difference between resembling a part and partly resembling.

People cannot long endure a view of themselves as worthless, and will eventually in response either destroy themselves, or discover a way to reclaim their worth, or manufacture a defensive counterview.

the phenomenological analysis of 'perhaps'

reasoning to discover, reasoning to persuade, reasoning to impress
(these motivations are from most conducive to good reasoning to least)

carnivals as architectures of novelty

All history is tradition.

We begin our lives immersed in traditions

We participate in a tradition by having a future.

Distributive justice is primarily about honors and only secondarily about wealth; only with capitalism and communism is this prioritization reversed.

The distinction between polis/civitas and political alliance is that the former is directly concerned with encouraging goodness.

tradition : participation :: history : objective regard :: culture : immersion

Whether a right is genuine always depends on the ends of what the right is about and of the contexts in which it could be relevant.

Athenian democracy makes citizenship depend on slavery because it requires that citizens be freed from the menial so that they may devote themselves to the life of democratic deliberation, but the menial is nonetheless necessary. (Spartan oligarchy requires helotry for analogous reasons.)

The universal is
(1) predicable of singulars as they are
(2) not identifiable with singulars
(from both of these we can conclude that universals are not apart from singulars but are 'in' them)
(3) not formally universal in the singular

hypertrophies of reasoning
(1) diachronic totalizing (conspiracy theory)
(2) synchronic totalizing
(3) nihilizing

truthwardness principles (e.g., divine veracity in Cartesianism)

grievance-addressing vs opportunity-reducing approaches to reducing rights violations

real distinction of essence and existence & finitude of being

The division of being into act and potentiality is more fundamental than the division into substance and accident; this truth is the foundation of many things.

subcooperative consent
paracooperative consent
informed cooperative consent under formal contract guaranteeing reasonable protections and mutual benefit for all parties

three elements in an accident (as pertaining to substances)
(1) aptitudinal inherence (essence of accident)
(2) actual inherence
(3) inexistence

quality as the accident of determinacy
(1) in the nature of the thing: habit/disposition
(2) in the principle of action and passion: power/impotence
(3) in the term of alteration or motion: passivity/patible quality
(4) in quantity: form and figure

"False miracles can be discerned from true miracles by their efficacy, utility, mode, end, person, and occasion." Benedict XIV (De Beat. Serv. Dei 4.7 nn 14-22)

Culture grows out of sociability.

The distinction between real and fake is a distinction of ends.