Third Sunday in Lent
by Samuel John StoneWalk in love, as Christ also hath loved us. -- EPHES. V. 2.
Thou shalt subdue the pride of life by Love.
Love is the light that, ever round thee springing,
Shall show thee thy poor self: so closer clinging
To Him who loved thee, all His Heaven above
Shall open to thine eye, the Holy Dove
About thee hover, and His Angels, winging
Melodious flight, encompass thee with singing
So sweet thine heart will be too blest to rove.
So strong is Love: and only Love is strong
To stay thy feet upon the pinnacle.
Light of reproof and winning power of song
Are of the nearness of Emmanuel.
Only with JESUS, only at His side,
Loving, beloved, canst thou conquer Pride.