* Ashley Cullins, That Was My Idea! How Hollywood Is Avoiding Story Theft Claims
* E. Sonny Elizondo, Kantian Eudaimonism (PDF)
* Ted Gioia, How Did Elevators Lose Their Music?
* Ed Simon, Mary Sidney and the Voice of God
* Jennifer Frey, Virtue and classic children's literature
* Michael P. Foran, Rights, Common Good, and the Separation of Powers (PDF)
* Melissa Moschella, Natural Law, the Common Good, and Limited Government: Friends, Not Foes
* Julia D. Mahoney, A Common Good Constitutionalist Feminism?
* Yuan Yi Zhu, Matt Hancock is wrong about euthanasia
* Christopher Bobier, Thomas Aquinas on the Relation Between Cognition and Emotion (PDF)
* Robert Anderson, The Sea Corporation (PDF), on the merchant ship as a forerunner of the corporate firm.
* A recent investigation was able to pick out the bones of King St. Ladislaus of Hungary in an ossuary in which a bunch of different bones had been jumbled together.
* Carolina Flores, Epistemic Styles (PDF)
* John Roxandich, Facing Up to the City of God: Transposing Augustine's Political Theology for Modern Christians
* Jack Schmidt, John Fleck, and Eric Kuhn, How We Got into This Mess on the Colorado River
* Refik Güremen, Philosophy as Art in Aristotle's Protrepticus (PDF)