Friday, April 28, 2023

Dashed Off XIV

 time immemorial (A) | memorial time (B)
time lost (C) |  time reconstructed (D) | testimony unto living generation (E) | living generation (F)
time beyond direct contact of this generation (G) | time of people who experienced or knew those who did (H)
--> (C), (D), and part of (E) belong to (A). (B) includes part of (E) and also (F). (G) includes (A) and part of (B); (B) includes (H).

rational justification by immemorial possession (cf. Reid)

Many people read Thomas Reid only superficially not capturing his full import because parts of his arguments are carried by his allusions and not just what he explicitly says. His figures of speech, for instance, tend to be more substantively significant than those of Hume or Smith, and the same is true of his quotations.

jural vs nonjural mission

The Trinitarian missions are hypermoral, hyperjural, hypersacral. In them the Son and the Spirit are related to us with infinite moral, jural, and sacred authority.

the three functions of a general council: dogma, reform, union
--> all general councils do all three, but (e.g.,) some merely reaffirm dogmatic definitions of other councils, focusing on reform.

charisms as architectural elements in the Church as Temple

indirect defenses of induction
(1) pragmatic vindication
-- (a) in ordinary life
-- (b) in special inquiry
(2) certainty of simple enumeration; therefore probability of simple non-enumerative induction
(3) hypothesis construction
(4) direct analogy; therefore relative indifferenc
(5) presumption of fixed laws (uniformity of nature)
(6) inevitability

requirements of adequate reform:
(1) appropriate authority
(2) acting as the appropriate authority
(3) in accordance with a just end
(4) using means that are feasible,
(5) appropriate to the end,
(6) and adequate to the end,
(7) in a manner that is itself just.

(1) Peter is given the responsibility to confirm the brethren and feed the sheep.
(2) These are ongoing needs, not less needed by those who followed the Apostles.
(3) Therefore there must be some means, by way of Peter, adequate to fulfilling these ends.
(4) Given the ongoing nature of the needs, a succession is required that is instrumental to Peter.

illumination and completion as the two general aspects of magisterium

the seat of Moses (Mt 23:1-3) // the chair of Peter

Mt 16:5-12 Beware the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadduceees
Mt 16:13-20 'On this rock I build my church and the gates of hell will not stand against it.' Peter given the keys of the kingdom of heaven, so what he binds on earth is bound in heaven and what he looses on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Mt 16:21-28 Jesus begins to speak of His death and resurrection.
Mt 22:15-45 The Pharisees and Sadducees try to trap Jesus
Mt 23:1-3 Pharisees and scribes sit on the seat of Moses but do not practice what they preach.
Mt 23:12-14 The Pharisees shut the kingdom of heaven against men, neither going in themselves nor letting others go in.
Mt 23:27-28 The scribes and Pharisees are whitewashed tombs.
Mt 23:29-36 The scribes and Pharisees will not escape hell.
Mt 23:37-39 Jesus speaks obliquely of his death

Eph 5:26
by the laver of water: matter
in the word of life : form

"the word comes to the element and the sacrament is made." Augustine

NB that Reid takes Newton's regulae philosophandi to be maxims of common sense.
Reid's use fo Protestant scripture metaphors for 'the way of observation and experience'.

"Useful discoveries are sometimes indeed the effect of superior genius, but more frequently they are the birth of time and of accidents." Reid

the thirst for principles that may direct us in the exertion of our powers

the natural language of vocal modulation, gesture, and feature

Most persuasion occurs against a background of shared values. The difficult questions are all concerned with change of background.

"The belief of a material world is older, and of more authority, than any principles of philosophy." Reid

The very concept of an idea has reference to a mind and to an object.

the Church as distinguishable by its history
the Church as distinguished by its spiritual possessions
the Church as distinguished by its mission, activities, and work

the threefold aspect of the priest's role in confession: elder, doctor, judge
-- all of these are 'on behalf of' roles by which the priest represents Christ

the Virgin as the exemplar, role model, of prayer

Satisfaction cannot be ignored in penance as a sacrament because the satisfaction begins in the confesison and absolution, and it is the sacrament that makes the satisfaction specifically the kind of satisfaction it is.

Christ intercedes for us not only in His immediate person but also in His sacramental person.

Suger's recognition of light as an architectural element, a part of the materials for the building

logizesthai, imputo Ps 32:2; Rm 4:4, 8, 13

(1) God is bishop (Magn 3:1)
Jesus is bishop (Rom 9:11)
(2) pray to God (Eph 10:1; Rom 1:1)
pray to Jesus (Eph 20:1; Rom 4:2)
(3) strive for God (Rom 4:1)
strive for Jesus (Rom 5:3)
(4) Spirit from God (Phil 7:1)
Spirit from Jesus (Eph 17:2)

Rom 4:3-5// 1 Macc 2:51-52

Righteousness is credited not on the deed but on the faith that does it.

The death of a martyr is a prayer of salvation for others.

1 Macc 2:51-63 as pictures of our own salvation

Lv 7:18 imputation as related to sacrifice, as connectin sacrifice and the one for whom it is made
Ps 106:30-31 imputation for righteousness to Phineas

forgiveness as breaking of imputation

Philemon: if he has wronged you *or* owes you anything [note that these are distinct], charge that to my account.

The prayer of the Church ultimately proceeds from and with the prayer of Christ.

ecologies of revenue

love as pre-merit

number as that which can be approximated in a well-defined way

'pointillist' arguments structured wholly out of examples

efficient cause redundantia vs formal cause redundantia
redundantia as imitating divine missions
that which receives the overflow as gaining a new relativity from the source of the overflow

Fewer hierarchies, fewer rights.

what is required for human dignity, what conforms to human dignity, what is useful to human dignity

Kant says of Baumgarten that he was "sharp-sighted (in little things) but not far-sighted (in big ones)".

natural religion as setting the seal on morality (Kant)

preservation of oneself as a physical, as a rational, as a moral, as a jural, and as a sacral being

To merit for another is the heart of romance.

ST 2-1.114: Reward is bestowed by means of merit; reward is the term of merit. Where there is justice simply, there is merit and reward simply. In other cases, with respect to potential parts of justice, there is no merit simply speaking but only relatively insofar as the potential part has something of justice. There can be no equality between Creator and creature; thus there is no simple merit or reward. However, there can be merit or reward only relatively insofar as God gives the power whose action is rewarded by God. We merit eternal lifely secondarily by free will; insofa ras we do, this is by congruous merit and principally by the grace of the Holy Spirit, which thus far is condign merit. Merit is chiefly attributed to charity.

Purgatory is the completion of satisfaction.

Nothing in the regular practice of the Church is done in vain.

"Whatever remission is granted in the court of the Church hodls good in the court of God." Aquinas

We may share the good of others by union or by imputation.

'Baccalaureus' originally meant the squire of a knight.

earned degrees
customary degrees
-- jure officii (ad eundem)
-- jure dignitatis
honorary degrees

titular colonelcies and admiralties arise from the militia authority of states

Victory-titles arose as as-if feudal titles, but instead of a fief it was granted in chief of a battlefield.

radication of intellectual virtue: clarity

incentives as values with specific practical saliences

the external world as transcendental deduction from the possibility of kinaesthetic habits

the overflow of spiritual culture into material culture

focus points for large-scale unification of people
(1) foe
(2) scapegoat
(3) sacred
-- arguably all possible cases of people being unified on a large scale are variants of these three.