Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Links of Note, Noted and Linked

 * Miott, Almeida, and Struchiner, Law, Coercion and Folk Intuitions (PDF)

* Joe Allan Schmidt, Peirce's Evolving Interpretants (PDF)

* Peter West, Mind-Body Commerce: Occasional Causation and Mental Representation in Anton Wilhelm Amo (PDF)

* Peli Grietzer, Patterns of the lifeworld, at

* Henrik Lagerlund, Machina mundi, at

* David Polansky, A Representative Problem, at "The American Conservative", discusses the tangled concept of representation.

* David Polansky, Human Resources, at "The New Atlantis".

* Brian O'Boyle, Plato's Philosophy Is an Aristocratic Attack on Democracy and Popular Rule, at "Jacobin". I think, however, the argument overlooks the extent to which the account in the Republic is specifically linked to the problem of pleonexia, the craving for more and more.

* Francesco Berto and Mark Jago, Impossible Worlds, at the SEP. Berto and Jago's book, Impossible Worlds, of which the article in great measure a summary, is excellent; I recently read it and would highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in possible world semantics.

* Schmitz, te Vrugt, et al., Thermodynamics of an Empty Box (PDF)

* Steven Hyden, A Beginner's Guide to Warren Zevon

* Samuel Kimbriel, Thinking is Risky

* Tristan Haze, The Truth Table Formulation of Propositional Logic (PDF)

* Elanor Taylor, A Dormitive Virtue Puzzle (PDF)

* Taylor Patrick O'Neill, Prayer Is (Still) a Political Problem, at "The Josias"

* James A. Clark, Erhard on recognition, revolution, and natural law

* Dick Bauer, The Woke University's Servant Class, at "Tablet". Despite the somewhat misleading title, it's a good discussion of some of the issues involved in the academic exploitation of adjuncts and graduate students.

* Andrew Willard Jones, The Priority of Peace and the Problem of Power, at Newpolity

* Srećko Kovač, Causation and intensionality in Aristotle's logic (PDF)

* Medieval Pet Names