Friday, September 15, 2023

Dashed Off XXVIII

 Applying plans requires a good sense of 'That will do well enough'.

Contracts are fundamentally nonverbal interactions that are partially verbalized.

On Jenkins's account of agender identity, nothing prevents anyone from being an 'agender man' or an 'agender woman', if (like most people) you don't think manhood or womanhood is reducible to 'internal map'. The same is true of 'genderfluid'. This account therefore does not rule out that these are just modalities of 'man' and 'woman'. 

Even when considered only as signs, sacraments are formed of *many* signs.

The world-points of physics are not in a one-to-one correspondence with the world-points of the perceptual world. They are, however, often close enough to use such a correspondence as a loose approximation. 

"An object is considered the designatum of a sign production of a certain person if there is a procedure which assigns the greatest weight to it in relation to that sign production. The meaning of the sign production is considered the more safely ascertained, teh more the weight of the object in question surpasses the weight of the other objects for the same sign production." Carnap
--> An obvious problem with this is the assumption that there is always only one object, whereas multi-object sign productions are very common. (It's interesting to think of how a satisficing rather than maximizing version might work.)
--> Weightings would obviously have to be relative to interpretant and in particular (but not solely) to the interpretant associated with the sign producer. At the very least, it seems likely there will be many procedures relevant to possible relevant interpreters.

"The reporting relation (between a report and its state of affairs) is to be constructed together with the sign production relation (between a word and the designated object), since the two constructions relate to, and support, one another." Carnap

A weathervane is a sign of the way it is pushed; its being pushed this way may be a sign of the direction of the wind; the direction of the wind may be a sign of the coming of a storm.

On Carnap's account of 'the purely quantitative world of physics', all experiments are outside the 'world of physics'. 

Experiments are cultural objects and rely on the manifestation and documentation relations, among many others.

As there is no single temporal order, a real object's position in temporal order, or even whether it has one, depends on the clock used.

Carnap often talks as if one could construct levels fairly directly, but what would actually have to happen is construction of ways of relating (like sense organs or measuring devices) which would then be used to construct objects at the relevant level. (Thi sis perhaps obscured in Carnap's examples by, e.g., his ambiguous use of 'my body' and similar things as cranes and scaffolding without acknowledging that this is a different -- and new -- function.)

"Unquestionably, there are phenomena of faith, religious and otherwise, and of intuition; they play an important role, not only for practicla life, but also for cognition. Moreover, it can be admitted that, in these phenomena, something is 'grasped', but this figurative expression should not lead to the assumption that knowledge is gained through these phenomena. What is gained is a certain attitude, a certain psychological state, which, under certain circumstances, can indeed be favorable for obtaining certain insights." Carnap

"The evil person is like a fracture in our human world, through which we catch glimpses of the void." Roger Scruton

the need for co-phenomenology (dealing with structures of consciousness from a *plural* first-person view)
-- experience sharing
-- co-intentionality (collective, shared, distributed)
-- body as intersubjective media
-- shared normativity
-- shared emotions
-- the human ability to appraise on the part of others (including groups)

Our feeling-material is inherently sympathetic and our feeling-forms are inherently communicable.

feeling-from (queasiness, uneasiness) vs. feeling-toward (grief, love)

A group works as a unity to the extent its nature as a group analogizes to a hylomorphic composite.

Liturgy by definition is a cooperative project.

kinds of sharing a mood or vibe
(1) resembling modalities of experiencing and acting
(2) mutual feeling and acting on behalf of or from the posit of the other's perspective
(3) A' sexperience of being with B while B feels and acts
(4) A responding or reacting to B's experience and acting insofar these are taken by A to represent B
(5) shared objects under shared descriptions

membership-feelings and proto-representation

Team or joint reasoning is not somethign that emerges from complete individual reasoning; it is our default mode of reaosning, and reasoning on one's own requires the development of special skills.

Human beings personify virtually everything, so it is obviously absurd to claim we cannot act in ways that treat groups as personified.

The very structure of the New Testament gives what might be called the preliminary canonical structure of Church: from Christ through the Apostles, organized as supervised churches, with both formal and informal structures and offices, oriented toward final consummation. This preliminary structure is filled in by: typology, prophecy, solutions in the New Testament to particular problems, historical application of Scripture to historical problems, diffusion of local customs.

Our basic first-person perspective does not seem to distinguish singular and plural very sharply; we tend, for instance, to speak and act for others as well as for ourselves, and children have to learn how to handle cases in which they can't.

Monarchy and tyranny are the only forms of government that are really generous to mediocrity.

the world as physical framework, the world as vital environment, the world as material and medium for reason

reasons to keep watching a movie
(1) inductive: interesting so far
(2) deductive: intrinsically interesting idea being unfolded
(3) abductive: interest in where it suggests it is going
(4) nonductive: nothing more interesting to do

What Campbell's monomyth gets right is liminal crossing.

Equality is only valuble if it is the kind of equality compatible with respect for one's neighbor.

The sinner is to be loved as potential saint.

forms/stages of political philosophies
experimental -> revolutionary -> tribalist/nationalist -> intertribalist/internationalist -> universalist -> reactionary -> experimental

"Divine love is the end of which all the inspiration and all the miracles which ever were in the world were but the means. Those were only certain means of grace, but divine love is the grace; it is itself the sum of all grace." Jonathan Edwards

baptismal & confirmational character : soul :: eucharist : Church

conscientious objection & the principle of least means in statecraft

Note Edwards's arguments throughout the Miscellanies that the angels were only confirmed in holiness at the Ascension. (They often correctly recognize some kind of exaltation, but this is not enough for Edwards's conclusion.)

Anything written on the page must be translated from death to life.

The counterfactual is indefinite by nature, but it can be imagined on the model of a collection of definite things based on causes, logical consistencies, and extrapolated regularities (in various combinations).

In evangelism, those fish are caught who swim near where the nets can go.

common intelligibility as a postulate of community

Hohfield's privileges would be better thought of as permissions and his powers as legal responsibilities and his immunities as exemptions.

Every right is direct to an object considered as good, and is had within a community.

Rights are only as defeasible as the laws that form them.

receiving the created things of the world eucharistically

Most of what St. Paul says he clearly expects others already to know, and also often does not expect his claims would receive any serious challenge form another apostolic line.

(I) Syllogism of Synthetic Medicine: (1) The phenomena we know of this disease are such and such; (2) In case of similar phenomena, such and such method of treatment was found beneficial and another hurtful; (3) Therefore follow the first and not the second method.
(II) Syllogism of Analytic Medicine: (1) The internal and formal causes of the present disease are these or those; (2) Such and such method of cure diminishes or destroys these causes; (3) Therefore that method is sutiable for the treatment of the present disease.

"We say, therefore, that every effect produced in the human body must be considered as the product, not of the agent alone, but of two concurrent causes, the *agent* and the *reagent*. Here *action* is continually accompanied by *reaction*, and the consequent state of the body is merely the result of this action and its accompanying reaction." Rosmini
--> As he notes, this directly implies that no medical effect can be predictable without knowing the state of the body being treated, and imprecision or uncertainty in the latter increases the imprecision and uncertainty of the prediction.

Concern for the happiness of one's neighbor is largely built out of local interests, idioms, allegiances, and patriotisms.

2 Maccabees 2:17 -- the inheritance (kleronomian), the kingship (basileion), the priesthood (hieroteuma), the consecration (hagiasmon)
Romans 9:3-4 -- the adoption (huiothesia), the glory (doxa), the giving of the law (nomothesia), the service of God (latreia), the promises (evangeliai), the fathers (pateres), Christ according to the flesh (Christos to kata sarka)

To reason back from exemplate to exemplar requires assessment of the defective causes relevant to the derivation of exemplate from exemplar.

the probationary/progressive link (stages of a progressive scheme are probationary)

love, joy, and peace as the three modes of Christian prayer

love as an act of charity : faith :: joy as an act of charity : hope :: peace as an act of charity : charity

In romance, the romantic object is made the foreground of a decorative context.
romantic situations as cultural objects, manifesting ideas in mind and documented by dinnres, gifts, flowers, etc.

formal documentations (actions) and material documentations (objects used in actions)

the sacramental economy as an expressive sign of divine holiness

People need more than bare truth; they need ways to express it and apply it.

General Account of Scriptural Text
(1) Testimony as Causal Connection
-- (a) Text as Effect
-- (b) Efficient Causes in Testimonial Connection
-- (c) Defective causes in Testimonial Connection
(2) Testimony as Personal Connection
-- (a) Text as Sign Presented
-- (b) Text as Common Ground (Communication)
-- (c) Testimony as Assurance
-- (d) Text as Manifestation and as Documentation
(3) Custodial Care of the Text
-- (a) Sharing
-- (b) Preserving
-- (c) Teaching
-- (d) Studying
-- (e)  Refractions and Reflections in Other Literature and Art
(4) Reception of the Text
-- (a) Text as Community-Forming and -Shaping
-- (b) Textual Reception as Discipline
-- (c) Textual Reception as Inspiration
-- (d) Textual Analysis and Interpretation
(5) Text as Objective Cause
-- (a) Text as Sign of Object
-- (b) Modes of Presenting Objects
-- (c) Symbolism and Objects as Signs of Objects
-- (d) Shared Objects
-- (e) Motivating Objects
(6) Text as Dispositive Cause
(7) Text as Occasional Cause
-- (a) Divine Communal Movement
-- (b) Divine Individual Movement

Pentecost is not strictly the birth of the Church but its confirmation.

Simply looking at the gospel alone, Augustine's characterization of Mark as an abbreviation is extremely plausible -- Mk does come across at times as an abbreviated summary for a new audience. It's the extrinsic evidence that causes problems for the idea.

The body itself is a practical articulation of our experience.

every conservation law as identifying a PSR for a restricted domain.

Oppression is not some vague miasma but always very specific things.

'Folk theology' is narrative, symbolic, and concerned with patterns and anomalies. This is ineliminable; no matter what further discipline or refinement, this serves as our universal default.

Every passion has a sympathetic mode. We not only feel anger, we can feel angry for others; we not only feel joy, we can feel joy for others.

Christ often heals only because of faith, but it is notable that he does not only heal because of the faith of the one healed.

Something's being a sign of power does not exclude it from being a sign of wisdom or goodness.

"The works of Jesus CHRIST are not arguments of power, we know not waht: they are arguments of the very power he pretended to; because samples of that very power." Turnbull
--> As Turnbull rightly notes, this line of reasoning is entirely independent of any account of what miracles or how they relate to laws of nature.

Human beings can so to speak 'resonate' with those with whom we deal often; we sometimes in this context say that the virtues and vices of others 'rub off' on us.

We learn about people by taking their actions as samples.

Both Mark and John, in different ways emphasize the extraordinary confusion Jesus caused in those around him.

The essential principle of apocalyptic is deeper meaning; it posits deeper meaning to history and exhorts the reader to look for deeper meaning.

Mark 1:1 should be taken very seriously; it is precisely what the gospel shows.

Jesus' temptation in the wilderness as itself a symbol of the Incarnation

pseudo-marks in drawing (extrapolated lines, negative-space lines)

"A conserved quantity -- energy, momentum, etc. -- is an infintie potential and so has minimal actual." Chastek

the Esther vocation of Christian rulers: giving fellow Christians room to defend themselves

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0 points
14 years ago

I have a hard time buying this sentiment as authentically Ryle's (and Google doesn't show anything substantiating it). Ryle wrote a generally positive review of "Being and Time", and when asked about SuZ later he didn't have much to say other than "Oh, yeah, I read that a long time ago and wrote a book review, which I worked hard on but no one ever asked me about. Haven't really thought of it since. Dunno whether it influenced me or not. I liked logical positivism more, at the time, but I might've found appealing anti-Cartesian/proto-behaviorist stuff in SuZ." (I paraphrase; the full quote is in the appendix on p. 290 of Heidegger and Modern Philosophy, which also reprints Ryle's book review from Mind.)

I also don't see what's wrong with the sentiment Ryle genuinely had about SuZ: There're helpful things to be gleaned from it, but the project as a whole isn't the way to go.

I don't know what his character has to do with whether, say, his criticisms of Husserl hit their mark, despite the fact that Being is all over the place in a lot of those; the fact that a Nazi says that everything he's done with his work had to do with his Nazism doesn't make it so. I've never seen a defense of Husserl which takes the form "But this criticism only holds water if you're a Nazi, ergo Husserl escapes the charge."

0 points
14 years ago

I doubt it's Ryle's, as well; it's a Rylean-like summation, though, even if it's not Ryle's own opinion. But Polt doesn't get into questions of provenance.

Since Ryle's sentiment in the comment really doesn't tell us anything about how to handle the question of Heidegger's Nazism, I'm not sure how it's relevant. Likewise, whether or not Heidegger's criticisms of Husserl are untowardly connected is something that has to be determined, not assumed. The fact that a Nazi says something doesn't make it false, true, but it also doesn't make it non-Nazi in attitude, formulation, or substance; given that we are quite literally talking about a Nazi, that there is nothing about it that is Nazi has to be shown, not insisted upon a priori. As I say, it has to be unwound and then rewound in such a way as to show that there is no Nazi distortion in it. If we can do that, fine and dandy; before we do it, though, we have no license to pretend that all is obviously safe.

Much of the problem lies precisely in reasoning by analogy here, which generally involves merely fooling ourselves by glossing over obviously significant differences. Nazism isn't a limited foible like drinking too much or sexual perversion, that might affect some philosophical fringes here and there but no more. It is a large-scale commitment; and, contrary to the tendency to insist on it as 'politics', it's not a merely political commitment like deciding one will support the Green Party in local elections. It carries a vision of technology, society, humanity. And this is undeniably so in Heidegger's case; Heidegger's own characterizations of his involvement, vague and weasely though they often are, links it with some of this major philosophical concerns. We should not fall into the hubris of pretending to know prior to all evidence what distortions such a commitment may or may not introduce into a philosophical approach, method, position, or system.