* John Psmith discusses Xenophon's The Education of Cyrus, or Cyropaedia, at "Mr. and Mrs. Psmith's Bookshelf".
* Matthew Loftus, Arcs of Life, at "The New Atlantis"
* Lucien Hardy, Quantum Theory from Five Reasonable Axioms (PDF)
* Liam Kofi Bright, Race and Fantasy, at "The Sooty Empiric"
* Lucy Keer, Mermin on writing physics, at "Bucket Overflow"
* Phil Corkum, A Mereological Reading of the Dictum de Omni et Nullo (PDF)
* John Joy, Is There a Charism of Infallible Safety?, at "1 Peter 5"
* David Polansky, The Greatest Book on Nationalism Keeps Being Misread, at "Foreign Policy", on Benedict Anderson's Imagined Communities
* Fabrizio Macagno, Douglas Walton, & Christopher W. Tindale, Analogical Reasoning and Semantic Rules of Inference (PDF)
* Gavin Ashenden, What are we to make of the erotic and sensually esoteric theology of Cardinal Ferndandez?, at "Catholic Herald"
* Bishop Erik Varden, Christians are called to inaugurate a new world and rise through Christmastide, also at "Catholic Herald"
* Tuomas E. Tahko, Laws of Nature (PDF)
* Larry Chapp, Avoid moral theologies 'from below' and puncture the immanent frame, at "Catholic World Report"