Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Links of Note

 * Roy Sorensen & Ian Proops, Kant and the King: Lying promises, conventional implicature, and hypocrisy (PDF)

* Victoria Smith, Let's at least agree that rape is wrong, at "The Critic Magazine" on the slow crumbling of support for one of the major achievements of twentieth-century feminism, in the dismantling of the basic foundations of feminist anti-rape activism.

* Serdar Tekin, How could Aristotle defend the self-sufficiency of political life while claiming the superiority of contemplative life? (PDF)

* Nathaniel Baron-Schmitt, Thing Causation (PDF)

* Gregory Hillis, How Julian of Norwich's writings on suffering have helped me as a cancer patient, at "America Magazine"

* Karl Pfeifer, A Note on a Cold Case: Wittgenstein's Allusion to a Fairy Tale (PDF)

* Larry Chapp, Holiness and the desperate need for saints "in between", at "Catholic World Report" 

* P. D. Magnus, A Philosophy of Cover Songs (PDF)

* Gregory Sadler, Reason as danger and remedy for the modern subject in Hobbes' Leviathan (PDF)

* Luke Coppen interviews Bishop Erik Varden on St. John Climacus's Ladder of Divine Ascent for Lent, at "The Pillar".

* John Jalsevac, The Intentio of Pastness in Aquinas's Theory of Memory (PDF)

* Jens Lemanski, Seneca's and Porphyry's Trees in Modern Interpretation (PDF)

* Adam Kotsko, The Loss of Things I Took for Granted, at "Slate", on the grave deterioration in literacy skills.

* Karen Bardsley, Mother Nature and the Mother of All Virtues (PDF), on gratitude toward the natural world.